Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Your Prema should make God speak to you

Bindu - The Gateway to God (con)
Bindu is the Primal shakthi. This shakthi has the power to express itself in various forms. Bindu can divide itself innumerable times. This is how I could give 1/1000 of my Prema shakthi to many people. ‘Vasanthamayam’ and ‘Dressed for Battle’ are further examples of this. The Bindu is the gateway to God, infinite divinity, totality, Poornam. This Bindu has the power to create a universe with countless names and forms; it is the blueprint for the entire creation. In this blue print is the power to create everything one aspires for. It is also known as the Hiranyagarbha, Cosmic womb.
The nameless and formless takes name and form through the power of the Bindu. The formless exists as feelings; the Bindu shakthi gives form to those feelings. The level of consciousness of every aspect of creation like worms, insects, human beings, is decided by the Bindu. (continued…)