Friday, December 20, 2013

Each word that comes from our mouth dictates how we live our life.

Swami: Do not cry. This is your true state. Your nature is to remain with Me as My Shakthi. You are the power of Sathya. Sathya and Shakthi will always be together. They cannot be separated. Now it is the state of witness. Be a witness, in the state of union with Me.
The mind will only desire that which it thinks it does not possess. The urge to possess arises, along with the effort to attain it. There will be eagerness to acquire. Once it knows that it is in possession of what it so keenly sought, the desire will end. There will be no more effort, no tension, no experience, and no desire to experience. Once the mind is established in the thought, ‘It is yours’, then only peace follows, Supreme Peace. Effort has to be made only until then.