Sunday, December 8, 2013

The world is a mirror. What man sees is his own reflection. All forms are verily you!

An “8” letter building …

An "8 letter" building that rises high in the sky, touching Dwaraka King's palace. It is not a building with sand and cement, but through my feelings. It rose through the 8 letter mantra - OM NAMO NARAYANA. My penance was this great. I performed japa, tapas and meditation. Finally, I heard a voice saying, "I am not here, I am in Puttaparthi, go & see." I then went to Puttaparthi and saw for myself. I realized that He was my Krishna and was very happy.
This is my building. It is the 8-letter mantra that I chanted 50,000 times a day. Through this mantra, through my penance, through my effort and austerities, God spoke with me. For this to happen, the 'i' must fly away. God can only be attained in the absence of the 'i'. The entire creating is His kingdom. It does not belong to us. We have nothing. All is God. Abandon the ego and perform penance to attain Him.