Sunday, December 1, 2013

Prema and sacrifice are like two parallel lines. Sacrifice increases through Prema and Prema grows due to sacrifice.

Five states of a Sadhaka (cont…)
After this, you should have no free will. He alone is performing all actions. We have surrendered the result also to Him. Hence, let Him be the one who performs the deed and enjoys the result. The devotee remains care free by transferring the responsibilities of decision-making to God Himself. This state is known as Maheswara. He is all in all. A devotee should become like a log floating along the course of a river. If you swim against the current, it will lead to a struggle. Hence, attain the bliss by going with the flow. Let God conduct our lives according to His wish. Do not aspire for anything. One should cry when one is told to cry and laugh when one is told to laugh. In the life of such a devotee, the Lord becomes Maheswara and shoulders all his responsibilities.