A Jeevan Muktha is liberated while in the human body. He is in absolute peace, content in the Self.
In previousAvatars,Poornam functioning is not revealed in totality. Rama is Poornam and Krishna are Poornam, but are bound by their royal code of conduct, Raja Dharma. When the Avatars descend, they place a circle around themselves. They create certain dharmic principles, like Raja Dharma, Sanyas Dharma, BrahmacharyaDha
... O Dharma, O mankind, what fence can you buildaround me. How can
you stop me? What wall can you place around me andmy flooding Prema?What and who can stop the flowof my Prema? It is in this way it challenges all and the Poornam expands more and more. What is the limit of Poornam? Can the sky, space,any of the four directions or time limit it? Which?Which? Poornam shines and cuts all dharma as Dharma Teetha, going beyond dharma