There is only one sun…how to separate this? In the future, when Kali is at its very worse, perhaps they will separate the sun’s rays. ‘This is our ray that is yours’.
Scientists have made many discoveries. They gift these to the world, so that all can benefit. On discovering electrical power, one did not say, ‘It is mine, it is only for me!’ If it was patented, not all could use it freely. The steam engine was invented and trains became the mode of transport all over the world. The Wright brothers invented the airplane. They did not keep it to themselves. They wanted all in the world to benefit.
They did not say that it is our copyright. How many medicines scientists have discovered? How much it has benefited the world. All these discoveries are the common wealth of all. To act in this way is love, the expansion of love.
Now let us look at spiritual life. Realized souls revealed many great truths. These were recorded in the Upanishads. They did not say ‘this is our copyright’. As a result, all in the world can benefit from ancient wisdom. This wisdom is commonly called Veda. If love expands, then there is no Karma. Without love, actions become binding, taking the form of Karma. When there is no love, then jealousy, ego, hatred and anger arise. These become deep impressions.
Desires are the root cause for deep impressions.
Every feeling that arises in the mind can either bind or free us. This binding is attachment. Through attachment, the thought of ‘I and mine’ arises. These thoughts of ‘I and mine’ come to us as reflection, reaction and resound. This is experience. Bad thoughts cause worries and suffering, which become deep impressions. Deep impressions are nothing but Karmic law. Accordingly, we again take birth. If there are no impressions, we will not be born. Chitragupta is said to be the accountant of lord Yama. People commonly say ‘Our accounts are going to Chitragupta; he is recording them’. Our deep impressions are Chitragupta. All have a Chitragupta within them; his records decide our life and experiences.
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