Saturday, July 12, 2014

Prema is beyond name, form, place and time.

From the book Prema Sai Avatar Part 1

A few years ago, Swami told me in meditation, “You are going to write a book on Prema Sai Avatar.”
In August 2005, when Swami suddenly asked me to begin this book, I was very surprised. I did not expect Swami’s command so soon. I thought that the task would start only after a few years. The book was completed in three months and Swami asked me to print it immediately. Here, I share the visions of the future events in Prema Sai Avatar’s life. These events awaken higher wisdom in the seeker. They shed light on the laws governing birth and creation.
This book exemplifies the principle of reflection, reaction and resound that Swami always speaks about. Based on this principle, I show how a feeling becomes a karmic debt and sows the seed for rebirth. Man is born due to karmic debt. What is the way to resolve this debt? The book answers this question and many others including God’s debt to me and how the debt shall be repaid in Prema Sai Avatar.
The book is a treasury of wisdom for humanity. I show how the Avatar’s relatives are chosen; the desire to live with God is fulfilled only after many cycles of birth in the four ages. This makes one wonder how many births it takes to fulfill the thousands of worldly desires experienced by a person before the desire for God is realized!
I have only the desire to attain God, I will enjoy complete union with Him in Prema Sai Avatar. The Avatar will answer my tearful calls and prayers, He will show His response for my yearning every moment. Attachment for a worldly life causes rebirth. This world is a maya drama you see on the Sathya screen. The picture on the screen changes according to the glasses you wear. The glasses are the three qualities of Sathwa, Rajas, and Tamas. When you remove the glasses, you see the Truth, Sathya. The Sathya screen never changes. All that you see on it is maya. The Lord is Truth, Sathya. The world is maya. As you begin your sadhana, remember this and catch hold of God alone.