First, we see separation in the family. Then separation based on religion and now separation due to color. All sorrows born in man are due to separation and differences.
Each religion separates God for themselves. Hindus say Rama is God, Krishna is God, Shiva is God. Christians pray to Jesus. For a Muslim, Allah is God. There is even more separation within the different religions. In Hinduism, there are Vaishnavites, Saivites, etc. For Christians, there are Catholics and Protestants. In Islam, there is Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Oh how many, many divisions! How can there be so many differences when all are children of God.
Swami preaches the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. Only God is the Father of all. All humanity are only brothers and sisters. If we share our love in this way, then Karmic law cannot function. It cannot enter the life of man.
What do we bring into this world when we are born? What do we take with us when we die? Nothing. Why does the feeling of ‘I and mine’ arise? It is because we identify with the name and body. We think that all those connected to the body are ‘mine’.
Now people have even begun to divide the five elements. They say, “This river belongs to this state. That river belongs to that state. We will not give water to others; it is only for us.”
Dams are built and water is diverted and held by one state. This is done without giving one drop of water to a neighboring state. If a flood comes, what will happen to your state? It will be submerged under water! What is this ignorance! How bad! They say, ‘this land is in our state, that city is in your state’, and quarrel. They have not managed to separate the air yet! It escapes from the minds that want to divide all! Thank God the Space has also escaped! In the next Kali Yuga, they will perhaps find a way to divide the air, space and wind!
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