This book is unique, a new thought. Before you begin, please read the prologue. It will help you to understand the subject of this book, the law of Karma.
What is Karma? Each action we perform is Karma. If an action is performed in union with God, as yoga, it will not touch us. I describe this clearly in the chapter Karma Yoga, in the book Sai Gita Pravachanam.
An action or Karma binds us due to attachment. This is the cause of the cycle of birth and death. The feelings, which arise in us, become thoughts. Thoughts become actions. These actions, whether good or bad are imprinted in the mind and can become deep impressions. These deep impressions decide our next birth.
Man’s attachments to his wife, children, family, possessions and so on are the cause for him to be born repeatedly. This is the law of Karma. It is the principle of reflection, reaction and resound that follows man. Therefore, before performing any action, one should first discriminate whether it is right or wrong.
What is sin? Sin means to commit an action knowing it is bad. If you know it is bad, it must not be done. However if you still do it, it is a sin. Everyone has a conscience. It tells us ‘this is wrong’, but why do we still commit the sin? It is due to ego, jealousy and anger. This is sin.
A saint has no ego or selfishness; so he cannot commit any sin. He has no attachment or selfishness. Therefore, Karma will not touch him.
There are four types of sin.
The first type is committing an action, knowing it is incorrect.
The second type of sin is committed when one does not follow the laws of a country, its rules and regulations. Every country has laws that govern society. Those who do not obey these are punished. The evil, cruel and sinful cannot escape and are punished. Those who are unjust, those who disrespect the laws of the land, those who do not abide by the rules for living in a city or village will face punishment. These are the outer rules of living. Those who govern the country, government agencies, the police, the judiciary all uphold and enforce the law.
The third type of sin concerns the scriptures. The scriptures lay down moral codes. They are not ‘outer rules’, but are taught by ancestors, handed down generation to generation. What are scriptures? They are sacred texts, which show how one must conduct one’s life. An example. The scriptures tell the rituals that must be followed from the time of birth. On the eleventh day after a child is born, a ceremony is performed to purify the house. After this, the naming ceremony takes place. The child is then initiated into education through ‘Akshara Abhyasa’. This is followed by the thread ceremony and later marriage.
The scriptures regulate each stage of life. If we do not follow them, the scriptures will punish us. This is the third type of sin that occurs when the scriptures are ignored.
Dharma protects dharma. Adharma destroys adharma. A Tamil proverb says, ‘The mills of God grind slowly but surely’. Man’s laws punish immediately; Divine law punishes at the correct time. If one falters in dharma, dharma destroys him.
In the book ‘My dear students’, on page 104 Swami says,
“If anyone hurts a great sage, jnani or saint, he comes in the way of the welfare of the world. They may utter out of agony a word of anger and it becomes a curse.”
The fourth type of sin is causing harm to a saint or sage.
These are the four types of sin Swami asked me to write about in the prologue.
In this book, I write how Karmic law operates in Sathya Yuga. Swami exposes the fourth type of sinner, the one who comes in the way of the world’s welfare. Swami said, “Curse them, consign their forms to the yagna fire on Vaikunta Ekadasi.”
I said, “I do not know how.”
Swami replied, “They are poison.”
The Sathya Yuga is now beginning and within 28 years, it will dawn fully. At that time, all will experience God’s fullness.
What are the obstacles preventing this dawn? This book explains it.
Please read carefully and remove the obstacles on your path.
Jai Sai Ram
Sathyameva Jayate
Vasantha Sai