Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thought for the day

One can manifest physical objects through siddhi powers, but if he transcends them, he can manifest God Himself

From the ebook Paramatma Satcharitha Part 5

A person alone is able to go to all places freely. He wanders alone. If he becomes a minister, then a crowd and security will be around him. Then, if a Prime Minister, bodyguards surround him. Why this? An ordinary man goes everywhere freely. Yet, when he attains a post, he loses his freedom. When his position goes on going higher, security is needed. In earlier times, Swami walked freely among thousands of people who came. He would give a vibuthi packet to all with his own hand. Then an organization came and slowly security increased. Swami then began to come in a chair. Surrounding Him were many, many security persons. It is necessary for those who hold high positions to have security around them, but why does God need security?He is the greatest God! Protection is necessary for man, but why is protection needed for God. He is the greatest God. Why does He need protection. Is God the protector of man, or man the protector of God! How strange!
Kings also have body guards. When Ashrams grow in size and expand, the head of the Ashram is not seen by any directly. It is only the important disciples who see them. Sometimes, they come outside and give darshan. As I have no ‘i’, I myself do not know who I am. Swami asked me to begin this Ashram; so, we started it. If not, I would be in my home, as I am here. Here there are no doors, locks, walls, why? All ways are open. Whoever and whenever comes, are free to come. I do not want a crowd here or more people. I want to be alone and calm. Iwant to live in thoughts of Swami. I want to spend twenty-four hours daily thinking of Swami. If a crowd or more people come, my time alone is affected. The Ashram functions separately. SV looks after all. Swami is the only security for the Ashram and me.

Always crowded-Swami has a crowd. There would always be a crowd, thousands of people, lakhs of people coming to see Him. Here, there is no crowd, no people. Here the task of the Avatar happens peacefully. This is the place of Swami’s Avataric task. Allis calm. This task happens unknown to the world outside. There is no crowd, no advertisement, no name, no fame, not even ‘I myself’.

Veda Chanting-Swami has Veda chanting in Prasanthi. Every time Swami would come and go, the Vedas would be chanted. This would also happen on auspicious days. Here it is not like that. Here celestial maidens dance instead. Swami has said before that Nicola and Vimala are celestial maidens. The two of them would dance at special programs. Now we do not have any programs, itis only wisdom. Swami has Veda chanting, here Jnana chanting! Jnana writing, Jnana translation, Jnana satsang, Jnana, Jnana, Jnana. Wisdom, only wisdom. Here there is no ‘I and mine’, no worldly things only the wisdom of Swami; higher Supreme Wisdom.
I have written that I am fire, no one can touch me and Swami is the water. He is the Ocean. It is for this I will merge in Swami’s physical body as a flame and Swami’s body will disappear in the waters of the Chitravathi

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thought for the day

He who does not hurt others by word, thought or deed is a true spiritual aspirant 

From the chapter: Selection of Flowers

'And you shall love theLordyour God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all yourmind, and with all your strength.Thisisthe first commandment.And the second, likeit, isthis: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.There is no other commandment greater than these.
The first commandmentisYoushall love the Lord with all your heart. This is what Swami meant whenHe said there is only one seat in your heartand that isfor God. It is not musical chairs. Yet, nowadays, God alone has no place in the human heart. There is place for I, my, familyand everything else except God.How then can we fully offer our heartto God?

Next,Jesussaysto love God with all your soul. Nowadays,nooneis even aware of theAtma,so how to show love with theAtma, (soul). Without the'i' (the ego)isAtma. Man connects himself with the name and form and then says 'I', 'I and mine'. Once you realize this, you will realize that the ‘I’ is theAtma, which is anaspect oftheParamatma. He then saysto loveGod with all your mind. The mind is a monkey. It jumps by thesecond. What is in the mind? It is our thoughts. Every minute we think and have thoughts aboutmanythings. Only when our thoughts are one pointed can we achieve anything. Thoughts are like the ocean's waves that continue to cometous. When this happensnot evenone taskcanbe completed. In the Bhagavad Gita,Krishna tells Arjuna to be one pointedand persevere. Swamipreachedthe same. Arjunareplies toKrishna, ‘It is easierto control the wind,than tocontrol our thoughts.’

Love God with all yourstrength.In worldlymatters,we use our full strength. If we desire to posses something, how much effort, hard work and full strength we use to acquireit. Similarly, we must use all our strength to show love to God. Strength does not mean body strength.It is thecontrolof mind, senses and intellect;this is strength. Exhibiting physicalstrength,money strengthand intellectual strengthis of no use. Nothingof the material worldcomeswith uswhen we depart from life. God’s love alone is our only possession.

The conqueror,Alexanderthe Greatproved this inhis life. How many countries hadfallen before him!Yet,in theend,he leftthe worldempty handed.To showthisto all,he asked that his body be taken in procession with hisemptyhandshungoutside the casket. We must show our strength by controlling our mind and senses. ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than this. Yet ourenmity and jealousybeginwith our neighbors. Awomanwatchesher neighbor and begins to feeljealous. She thinks,“Oh, he got a promotionand Idid not, his son studieswell, mine doesnot.In this way, she compares her life with others. Her entire life is spent injealousfeelings.Jesus saysthe remedy for thisis to 'love your neighboras yourself''. Swami has taught the same for the past 84 years. As God is in all, we must show loveto all. OneAtmais in all and pervades everywhere. When man realizesthis,he will never be born again.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Thought for the day
It is not important how we are born, but how we die

From the chapter selection of flowers 

Swami gave a message from the Bible. It was in Greek. We sent it to Evelyn to be translated into English. The message was entitled: Selection of flowers of love

After receiving the translation, we were happy to see love verses from the New Testament of the Holy Bible. In meditation, Swami (Sathya Sai Baba) asked me to write my feelings about each verse. Let us see the 'flowers of love' verses.

Matthew 5:44-48
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Swami always selects flowers of love from the Bible and the Gita. We must put these scriptures into practice by showing this love to our enemies and those who harm us. What Jesus says, Swami tells the same; Krishna also said the same. God is our Father. Whatever He says, we must do. The sun is common for all. It gives light to all. It never shows partiality to the good or the bad; it  spreads its' light equally to all. Rainfall is similar. It showers on everyone not showing partiality to the good or bad. God’s love is also like this.

Why then do we contain and restrict our love, limiting it? We only show love to those who love us. We show love to our brother and sister, but do nothing for others. We must show love to all. In this way, Jesus preached. He said all are brothers and all are the children of the one Father. This is what Swami has said for the past 84 years. It is the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of humanity. So, show love to all. Swami asked me to compare this with my life. All Avatars have taught this principle including Buddha and Jesus. I have practiced this throughout my life. Just as the rain and the sun are common for all, so too is God’s love. The bliss of Mukthi(liberation)is for everyone. I have come to show that everyone can experience this bliss of Mukthi.

Not only the saints and sages, but also the common person both good and bad will experience ananda. All the religions teach this. Now, all will experience this in their own lives. This is my only goal. I have performed penance for it to happen. Even though God’s love is common for all, only a few can go deep enough to realize God. Now at least once, all will taste the bliss. Only then will they understand that there is nothing in worldly enjoyments. Everyone will experience the bliss tasted by the saints and sages.

For this to happen, the greatest Avatar descended on earth. Swami and I have accepted all the karmas of the world and will give Mukthi to all. How perfect God is! Soon everyone will be perfect like God. Swami and my feelings will enter all making them perfect. This is what the verse from Matthew tells.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thought for the day 

A devotee who is saturated in God knows only one thing: God, God, God

From the ebook Paramatma Satcharitha Part 5 

Every individual is born in this world to experience his past karmas. God is only in the Witness state. He does not have any experience. Yet, the Swami who comes now comes as the experiencer. Swami shows this by leaving the world and then coming back again. Before, Swami askedme to make the Chintamani Mangalya. He gave the stones and drew the pattern. The shape was in the form of two triangles, one pointing up and the other down. The two triangles unite in the heart. I have performed sadhana and attained the Anahata chakra. Swami comes down from the Ajna chakra to the heart center and we unite there. This is the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam.
Generally, a jeeva performs sadhana, crosses each chakra, uniting with Shiva in Ajna Chakra, the sixth center. From there, the birth and death cycle of the jeeva comes to an end and the jeeva merges with God. God never descends to the Anahata or Heart Chakra. Yet, here it has happened to show the functioning of the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam. Swami explained this and asked me to wear the Chintamani Mangalya. He is now giving further explanation.
God has no chakras or Sahasrara, only a heart. I was born, showed the Sadhaka        state and demonstrated all through my life. I showed through suffering, how every chakra opens. Now, finally Swami tells that God has no chakras or Sahasrara. When Swami comes now He will experience. For this, He comes in a new body. After He comes, He will call me. At that time, we will see, touch and talk to each other. For all these years past, Swami was only in the state ofwitness. How many people touched Him? How many He has touched? How much they have spoken to Swami and He to them? Yet, nothing affected His Witness state. Now, is the time He comes to experience. Thus, when He sees, touches and talks to me, it will be the first time He has the experience. I am yearning forHis one word, one look, one touch, for the last seventy-three years.
We are the inseparable ones who have separated. The suffering we undergo burns the karmas of the world. We are the inseparable Shiva Shakthi: one body, one life force, one heart. This isthe first time we have separated and are suffering. My body is suffering so much, I am unable to walk, my legs burning. Yet, my work never stops. I am always writing. Nicola cried to me, “How you bear all and are laughing and talking?” I said, “My legs alone are suffering. What does it matter? I am writing with my hands and talking and laughing with the mouth. There is no connection between this and that.” This is the same as Swami has told; there is no connection.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thought for the day
Like a raging flood, love for God has to surge from the depths of the heart

From the ebook Paramatma Satcharita 

Part 5 

From a young age, I wanted Krishna. When I 
came to know of Swami, when I saw a small 
picture of Him, I knew He was my Sai Krishna. It 
was only after from this time I wrote hundreds of 
songs in praise of Him. In one song called, ‘Who 
Gave Your Blissful Form’, I wrote:

My yearning calls and cries
Have brought Your blissful form
Prahlada created Narahari
                             My Prema created my My Lor

Who gave Your body the fragrance 
of roses?
I with the call of my soul.
Who madeYour divine Lotus feet?
I with my desolate cries.
Who drew Your enchanting face?
I with the flood of my tears.
Oh! The beauty of Your bewitching smile
Is it not the unending reign of my 
The redness of Your lips
Is the beauty of my devotion.
Your teasing eyes?
Your name in my blood.
Your dancing golden feet?
                             The music in my heart