Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thought for the day

If the mind is absorbed in one thing, then it  becomes that thing itself. The mind absorbed in God, becomes God Himself.

From the book, “Beyond the Upanishads by Sri Vasantha Sai
           Attracted by the light, the moth flies round the flame and finally dies falling into it. We are the same state as the moth; we are attracted by maya and fall into delusion, get caught and die. Even though one moth sees  another falling into the fire, it too becomes a victim of the fire. We can see for ourselves how many people fall into the ocean of worldly life and perish. Yet like the foolish moth, we too fall victim.
            We have experience so many bitter biter incidents through family, friends, neighbors and community; yet instead of trying to escape, we fall back into the ocean again and again. We mistakenly think that this is the natural cycle; we behave as though this is our fate and continue to live in the same way. We have not taken birth to perish like this. We are children of immortality. The Eternal state is our true nature. Enough of this! Come out of delusion! Live for God alone.