Thought for the day
We can realise the truth when we remove the thought "I am the body"
27 July 2003 Meditation
Everyday we ask Swami for a message to write on the notice board. I asked Swami, “Please, tell me something to write today.”
Swami : We can attain Mukthi here itself right now. This is the state of Jeevan mukthi.
Vasantha : Swami, then You bestow the state of Jeevan muktha on all who are living with me.
Swami : They have Jeevan mukthi today.
Vasantha : Swami, should they not be eligible for that? I have told them that they should become Jeevan mukthas by securing 100% marks.
Swami : They are eligible. Why are they eligible? Like King Parikshit they are listening to your words and are preparing for death. This qualifies them for Jeevan mukthi.
From the book "Beyond the Upanishads"
FOR TWO DAYS I HAD BEEN ASKING SWAMI to grant Jeevan mukthi for all those who are staying with me. Last night I told them, “Tomorrow I will conduct examinations for all of you. If you pass the exam, I will get Jeevan mukthi certificates from Swami.” Suddenly the current went out. While going to bed in the dark, Nicola said, “Amma, how are we going to study with no electricity? When we wake up tomorrow we should wake up as Jeevan Mukthas!” I was happy that today Swami actually granted them Jeevan mukthi!
Now let us see how Parikshit’s example shows their state. King Parikshit was cursed to die in seven days. He wanted to be ready to face death. How to do this? Sage Suka came and showed the King the way and narrated continuously for seven days the Srimad Bhagavatham. Parikshit listened one-pointedly to the divine glories and leelas of Lord Sri Krishna. During this time there were no worldly transactions or talk of the kingdom; all Parikshit’s doubts were cleared; his five senses were centered on God. He drank the nectar of Krishna leela and visualized the divine play of the Lord. His mind was absorbed in the divine stories; there was no other talk. Many events were happening in the outside world, yet before Parikshit only the form of the Lord was present. All those who had assembled there with Parikshit were also immersed in the divine nectar and had totally forgotten the outside world.
In the same way, Swami said, Those who are living with you are listening to the divine leelas and
glories of the Lord that you are narrating. They do not have interest in anything else. Here you all talk only about God throughout the day. You do not have any contact with the outside world. This is how all are preparing to die.
The world is covered in maya; sorrow, suffering, disease and problems torment every individual. Death is waiting, ready to strike at any time. Not being aware of this, man is immersed in misery. He thinks there is some happiness to be found in the world. He does not know that all this is illusion.