Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thought for the day

Total faith in God is greater and stronger than God Himself

QuickJuice Quicksand
Swami gave a page of writing on 10 January 
2013. There it was written:

A person with distorted vision sees only the 
name and form; He is deluded into confusion. 
He is tossed by likes and dislikes, pleasure 
and pain, elation and depression. He is aware 
of only the unreal many, parading in diverse 
names and forms.

Don’tcarry the burden of past with you, in 
essence don’t pay attention to it. The more you 
think of it, talk about it and refer to it as who 
you are, you give it a sense of identity (and) it 
gives you a sense of self. You keep identifying 
with that thought form and it gives the ego its 
sense of identity.

Now let us see about this. Swami said that 
those who are deluded by name and form have 
distorted vision. They are always confused; 
ever merged in the name and form of their ‘I 
and mine’. 'I' means this ismy name, this is 
my family, etc. Man is deluded by these, birth 
after birth. They keep him from making spiritual 
progress. What is it that is always there birth 
after birth? It is the 'deep impressions'. Deep 
impressions are the yearnings of countless 
births. These deep impressions follow one as 
the ‘I and mine’. Thus, man is caught in innumerable births; forever experiencing, likes, 
dislikes, pleasure and pain, happiness and 

The reason for all is that he believes the unreal to be real. The one,who understands that God alone is in all names and forms, is not caught in the dualities of life. There is only one Atma present in all, which is all pervading. Yet man chooses a few names and forms and thinks, ‘These are mine, all others are different’. These names and forms are ever rounding in his mind. He has no other thoughts other than them. These become the deep impressions that are the reason for rebirth. In the second paragraph, Swami tells the reasonfor deep impressionsand how toremovethem. Hesays, ‘Do not carry the burden of the past. Do not pay attention to the past burdens’. Whatever you have earned in the previous birth, that essence are the samskaras or deep impressions. Do not pay attention to these, as they come up time after time, again and again. The fruit of these deep impressions are the relatives that you have now.I will give one example. Some guests come to the house. You want to offer them some juice. You then take five oranges, squeeze them, make juice and give it to your guests. Yet in this Kali Yuga, this has changed. Now in the shops they sell the essence of fruits, which have sugar syrup, flavorings and smell added, all inside a bottle. It is then sold. One teaspoon is all that is needed to make one full glass. If you wantten tumblers, just add four spoons to water and it becomes juice. In the same way, the earnings of thousands of births of ‘I and mine' relationships are all kept in the back of the brain as deep impressions. This is the wealth you have earned, which you carry to the next birth. In this new birth, you only go on increasing your burden. You make relationships out of this essence and add to it also. Swami descended and preached this for 84 years, but you did not pay attention to it. When you think repeatedlyof the ‘I and mine’ and talk about those things, it shows who you are. This is the name and form you have now. You believe that this name and form is the real you and merge in it again and again to make your identity.

The ‘I’ means this name and form. When you give importance to the deep impressions, thinking and constantly talking about them, it gives you an identity card. 'I am the name and form of Rama and have an identity card as a stamp'! If you think about it again and again, it gives form to your thoughts. This is my wife, child, parents, place of birth, country. In this way, you give an identity to these thought forms. Your thought forms give an identity to you andthat is the ego. Whatever you see in the world are all forms of your thoughts. I havewritten this in many of my books. What is my thought form? From birth, I have not thought about anything other than God. After I came to know of Swami, I have thought of no one other than Him. I have been in thoughts of Swami, His name and form, for 73 years.

These are my thoughts. They are the cause for my kundalini to function. My Kundalini Shakthiemerges and makes the entire world as my thought forms. There is this much power in thoughts. They have the power to create innumerable names and forms. Your thoughts give an identity to you and makes you, the ‘I and my name' and creates your ego. I haveforgotten myself and am ever in thoughts of God. By having forgotten about myself, lost in thoughts of God, I have no ‘I and mine’. As I have no ‘I’, I do not have any deep impressions. It is through the power of these thoughts that the New Creation is coming.

Man has become lazy and instead of extracting the juice from fresh fruits, goes and buys syrups in the shop. He then dilutes with water and drinks. In that syrup, there is only sugar and the essence of the fruit. In Kali Yuga, man is too lazy to makereal fruit juice and is deluded by taste and vasanas. This is not real fruit juice. It has no real taste. It is not realVasana. In the same way, man is deluded by ‘I and mine’ and thinks that thetaste is real. Yet, it is only the taste of past vasanas.The 'Vasanataste' is the experiences of your thousands of births. It is not real. It is shop sold syrup! Real taste is only God. If you experience it just once, your mind will never search for artificial tastes again. I came here to show this. What is real happiness? What is real taste? To show this is Swami’s Avataric task. If you realize the taste of God just once, then you will not want any other tastes. You will not want worldly tastes. You will not want the world and will never be born again. This isthe explanation for what Swami wrote. Man is caught in quicksand, thinking it is real. He refuses to come out of it. The 'I' (ego) is the quick sand. All should make effort to come out from it. Otherwise, it will catch hold of you. It will do this birthafter birth. If you connect the 'I' with the body, it becomes quicksand. If you connect with the Atma, you will never be born again. All are Atma. There is only one Atma. It is all pervasive. It is everything. Think, ‘I am Atma. Paramatma alone is mine'.If you think in this way, then there are no differences of you, him and me. If you think of this repeatedly, you will never be born again. Our thoughts must only be around this. Our thought form must only be God. As I have done in this way, my thoughts ofSwami become the entire creation. This comes as the New Creation. Showing this is Swami’s Avataric task. He has brought me here and demonstrates through me. On one side, Swami spoke and taught for 84 years and on the other side; He demonstrated all that Hehas spoken of through me