A devotee who is saturated in God knows only one thing: God, God, God
From the ebook Paramatma Satcharitha Part 5
individual is born in this world to experience his past karmas. God is only in
the Witness state. He does not have any experience.
Yet, the Swami who comes now comes as the experiencer. Swami shows this by
leaving the world and then coming back again.
Before, Swami askedme to make the Chintamani Mangalya.
He gave the stones and drew
the pattern. The shape was in the form of two triangles, one
pointing up and the other down. The two triangles
unite in the heart. I have performed
sadhana and attained the Anahata chakra.
Swami comes down from the Ajna chakra to the heart
center and we unite there. This is the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam.
Generally, a jeeva performs
sadhana, crosses each chakra, uniting
with Shiva in Ajna Chakra, the sixth center. From
there, the birth and death cycle of the jeeva comes to an end and the jeeva
merges with God. God never descends to the Anahata or Heart Chakra. Yet, here it has happened
to show the functioning of the Vishwa Brahma
Garbha Kottam. Swami explained this and asked me to wear the Chintamani
Mangalya. He is now giving further explanation.
God has no chakras
or Sahasrara, only a heart. I was born, showed the Sadhaka state
and demonstrated all through my life. I showed through
suffering, how every chakra opens. Now, finally
Swami tells that God has no chakras
or Sahasrara. When Swami comes now He will experience. For this, He comes in a new body. After He
comes, He will call me. At that time, we will see, touch and talk to each
other. For all these years past, Swami was only in the state ofwitness. How many people touched Him? How
many He has touched? How much they have spoken to Swami and He to them? Yet, nothing affected
His Witness state. Now, is the time He comes to
experience. Thus, when He sees, touches and talks to me, it will be the first
time He has the experience. I am yearning
forHis one word, one look, one touch, for the last seventy-three years.
We are the
inseparable ones who have separated. The suffering we undergo burns the karmas
of the world. We are the inseparable Shiva Shakthi: one body, one life force, one heart. This isthe first time we have separated
and are suffering. My body is
suffering so much, I am unable to walk, my legs burning. Yet, my work never
stops. I am always writing. Nicola cried to me, “How you bear all and are laughing
and talking?” I said, “My legs alone are suffering. What
does it matter? I am writing with my hands and talking and laughing with the mouth. There is no connection between this and that.”
This is the same as Swami has told; there is no connection.