Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thought for the day
Prema is pure, blissful Consciousness without body, mind senses, intellect or ego. Its essence is beyond human comprehension.

From the ebook Paramata Satcharita 5 

Swami gave a page of writing on 10 January 2013. There it was written:
A person with distorted vision sees only the name and form; He is deluded into confusion. He is tossed by likes and dislikes, pleasure and pain, elation and depression.He is aware of only the unreal many, parading in diverse names and forms.
Don’tcarry the burden of past with you, in essence don’t pay attention to it. The more you think of it, talk about it and refer to it as who you are, you give it a sense of identity (and) it gives you a sense of self. You keep identifying with that thought form and it gives the ego its sense of identity.
Now let us see about this. Swami said that those who are deluded by name and form have distorted vision. They are always confused; ever merged in the name and form of their ‘I and mine’. 'I' means this is my name, this is my family, etc. Man is deluded by these, birth after birth. They keep him from making spiritual progress. What is it that is always there birth after birth? It is the 'deep impressions'. Deep impressions are the yearnings of countless births. These deep impressions follow one as the ‘I and mine’. Thus, man is caught in innumerable births; forever experiencing, likes, dislikes, pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness. The reason for all is that he believes the unreal to be real. The one, who understands that God alone is in all names and forms, is not caught in the dualities of life. There is only one Atma present in all, which is all pervading. Yet man chooses a few names and forms and thinks, ‘These are mine, all others are different’. These names and forms are ever rounding in his mind. He has no other thoughts other than them. These become the deep impressions that are the reason for rebirth.
In the second paragraph, Swami tells the reason for deep impressions and how to remove them. He says, ‘Do not carry the burden of the past. Do not pay attention to the past burdens’. Whatever you have earned in the previous birth, that essence are the samskaras or deep impressions. Do not pay attention to these, as they come up time after time, again and again. The fruit of these deep impressions are the relatives that you have now.