Friday, March 8, 2013


Thought for the Day

Your feelings should touch only God, nothing else.

From the e-Book "The Primal Stupi"

Chapter 5
LingamsReveal New Truth
Today, Swami gave the following as a divine message. It was a printed-paper. Let
us see:
Ashwathaama also had to surrender a valuable gem, set on his forehead,
the wearer no longer has any fear from weapons or disease or hunger, and no
fear of any of the gods, demigods and nagas.
TheShyamantakajewel also known as Shankhachuda or Shiromani:
Sankhacuda’s crest jewel

The Mahashivarathri at Prasanthi Nilayam was this year attended by a
much larger crowd of devotees than usual. At 8 am that day, Baba hoisted the
Prasanthi flag on top of theMandir, and blessed the vast assemblage.
Explaining the meaning of the symbol on the flag, He exhorted all to overcome
the three great enemies of spiritual progress namelydesire,angerandjealousy.
At noon Mahabhishekam was performed and during the proceedings,
Baba materialised atwin lingam...
g g g
2o September 2012 Meditation
Vasantha:Swami, I have a lot of pain in my shoulder and arm.
Swami:All will be okay, nothing will happen.
Vasantha:Swami, did Radha also haveShiromani?
Swami:Yes. It is so no disease or anything can affect you.
Vasantha:Swami, if I wear theShyamantakagem will the pain go from my arm?
Swami:Yes, you will be cured. You wear it.
Vasantha:Swami, could You not have told me this in meditation?
Swami:If I told youinmeditation, you would askedMe to show some proof.So,I
first give the proof in writing.
Vasantha:I am very, very happy Swami, but where shall I wear it? You said I should
put the Shiva Shakthi pendant on the c


Swami:Wear it on the Mangala sutra, not the chain.
End of meditation
Swami gave a printed-paper about Ashwathaama and his Shiromani. There He
tells that the Shiromani and Shymantaka gem are the same. He indicated that I should
wear it by writing ‘Radha from Puttaparthi’. If Swami had told meaboutthe gem in
meditation, I would have asked for some proofto wear it. Therefore, Swami first wrote
of Ashwathaama, Radha and then made me ask about it. Only then, Swami revealed all
and wrote that if one wears the Shiromani gem, they will have no fear from weapons,
disease, hunger and no fear of any gods, demigods and nagas. Swami wrote this and
then asked me to wear the gem to cure the pain in my shoulder, arm and hand. What a
wonder is God’s omniscience! He writes all as puzzles! The Pandavas did not kill
Ashwathaama, but cut the Shiromani jewel, which was on his forehead. Before Swami
gave the Shymantaka gem for Puttaparthi Radha, I wore it for some time and then
stopped. Swami has now asked me to wear it again. Swami also gave the Chudamani
gem inside the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam some time ago. Let us see what Swami
RadhafromPuttaparthi, nine lingas, 1960!!!
Why were there three exclamation marks after the year 1960? Swami had printed
the message in large capital lettersabove the other message. When I first saw the
message, I thought it read, ‘1991’. I went to Puttaparthi in 1991. When I looked inside my
diary, I read that I had gone for Swami's darshan before undergoing eye surgery. I had
said at the time I would only have the eye operation, if we went to Puttaparthi first.
Now, when I looked at Swami’s message again, I saw it read9 lingams.
21 September 2012 Noon meditation
Vasantha:Swami, what is '9 lingas in 1960'?
Swami:'Radha from Puttaparthi nine lingams 1960' means the nine divine
Vasantha:Swami, You gave these to me in 1998? Yet why have you written 1960?
Swami:I gave three children by 1960, six more were born, total nine!
Vasantha:Swami, Swami, is this true? Before You said nine divine children, but only
six have been born. I could not understand this and thought about it
Swami:Three children are born to us. We gave six to others.
Vasantha:Swami I am very happy You have written 'nine lingas to Radha 1960'. It is
enough. Whatcan I say of Your compassion? What is twin lingams


Swami:We are twin lingas, Shiva Shakthi twins.
Vasantha:Now I understand Swami. I will write.
End of meditation
Swami wrote that He gave nine lingams to me from Puttaparthi. These are the
nine divine children. When divine children are born to God, He refers to them as
lingams. I was pregnant in 1960 with our third child, Manivannan, who was born in
1961. After hisbirth, Swami separated from me.In the message, Swami wrote the year
1960 andput three exclamation marks after it. When I saw this, I wondered, 'why
three'? Usually only one is used. Now I understand the reason. He used it to indicate the
three children born to us. How can I praise the cleverness of God?
In 1998, Swami placed the universe in my stomach, giving the nine divine
children after this. I then transferred the children to others, whom I told afterwards.
Through this, children were born physically. Yet, I always wondered, 'Why have six
children been born. What of the other three?' Now, Swami answered my question. The
three children are our children, those born to us. After fourteen years, Swami has
revealed this great secret. How many secrets are there in my life? I do not know. How
many and how many more to be revealed? OnlyHe knows.
Swami has now taken the divinity from those children, as ordinary parents
cannot bring up divine children. How can the four Sanat Kumars be brought up Kali
Yuga parents? Is it possible? It is for this Swami took the divine aspect from the
children. Now they are the ordinary children of ordinary parents.
It was in 1960, at the time of Mahashivarathri, that Swami materialized the twin
lingams. In meditation, Swami has now revealed them as Shiva Shakthi. Swami and I
are two halves of one body; I am born from Swami’s body. The Stupi shows this. The
Stupi is a twin lingam.
It is Swami’s and my feelings that fill creation, making all God’s children. This is
Sathya Yuga all are Sathya Sai's children. Just like the six divine children, after a
thousandyears the divinity will disappear from all and once again, all become ordinary
Kali Yuga people. The divine children were for ten years, the Sathya Yuga children are
for one thousand years. This is what Swami demonstrates. The six embryos, which came
through feelings, were given to others in meditation. Swami and I demonstrated how
feelings take form; the children were born to others and brought up as divine children.
Swami has now taken the divinity from the children and said they are now the
ordinary offspring of ordinary parents. Through this Swami explains how the Kali and
Sathya Yuga function. All should analyze this truth and transform themselves. If you
transform and change yourself, you will not have to be born in the second Kali Age. If
you do nottransform yourself, you will be born again and again during these thousand
years and the second part of Kali Yuga will be waiting for you in the end. If you try now
and perform sadhana, you can live happily for 100 years as God’s children. After thi


youmust merge with God. If you transform yourselves or not, there will be no deep
impressions for a thousand years. You may live happily as God’s children. Yet, after 800
years, very slowly the old deep impressions will begin to come back. Thus, try and do
sadhana now and gain victory.
g g g
Swami placed the universe in my womb and then the nine divine children.The
nine children were born, but how will the Universe be born?This is a heart womb, my
heart womb. It is the womb, which comes through feelings. These feelings havetaken
the form of the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam. It is from here, the feelings of Swami
and I go out to the world through the Stupi. Swami gave a picture of Himself holding a
lingam in His hand. There was a quote underneath which read:
The human life is a great gift from God, it should be valued as such and
used for sacred purpose.
Here Swami tells of the rarity of human birth and that it must be used to attain
God. All have Hiranyagarbha within; we must reveal it and gain victory.
Later when I was looking at the picture, I wrote a poem.
Swami giving healing lingam picture
But it not heal me,
I do not want the picture
I want the real O