Tuesday, September 30, 2014

So far, Swami has revealed the very very subtle secrets of Karma. There are two things: First, we should not perform bad actions. Secondly, if we have to experience the fruit of our actions, be always in thoughts of God. If we practice these, we can free ourselves from Karma and escape suffering. Kuntidevi was very different; she asked Sri Krishna the boon that she always suffer trouble and sorrow, so she will never forget God!

While writing this, I randomly opened the book ‘My dear students’, to page 77 and read,

… “Atmananada was a pure hearted soul devoted to the practice of meditation. He had visited Swami a number of times and wanted to stay here in Prasanthi Nilayam. He was ready to give up everything to be here. I told him that this was not the right place for sadhus and the Ashram where he is from is the place for him. I sent him away giving him a japamala.” 


Monday, September 29, 2014

As He is God, Swami does not interfere with Karmic law.

I can remove the Karma, because I am not God. I only love God. It is this love that does all.

All should strive for complete surrender, thirst for God and remove bad thoughts. Whatever happens in your life, whatever difficulties you face, think of it as God’s gift to you, as prasad. If you do this, you will not feel the burden of Karma, you will have the strength of mind to bear all with a smiling face. Many great souls have shown by example how to bear difficulties.
Ramana Maharishi had cancer. One day a worm fell out of the wound. He picked it up and put it back saying, “Why do you want to come out and suffer.” Saint Ramdas was imprisoned for twelve years in an underground jail; he continued to sing the glory of God. These great souls show the world how to separate the body from the mind.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Some may ask, “What about those who are close to Swami’s form, will they not receive His vibrations?”
Swami is in the Witness state. I am born only to remove the Karmas of all. It is only in Mukthi Nilayam that the Kundalini Stupi is built, nowhere else in the world. I am transforming all in the world through the Prema I have for Swami. Mukthi Nilayam is special. Here there are only ten people; they do not mix with others and their different thoughts. There are a few thousand people living in Prasanthi Nilayam close to Swami. They are involved in many service activities, with no direct contact with Swami. Not only a thousand people, but every day many thousands of people come to Puttaparthi from all over India and the world. Their many different actions, feelings and thoughts fill the atmosphere.
In the early days, there were very few devotees around Swami; they enjoyed His nearness and direct contact. He performed marriages, named the children, performed important ceremonies in the family and looked after their education and other needs. He involved Himself in many aspects of their lives, still they had to face the suffering that was their due. Once, a devotee asked Swami about this and He said, “All is decided when you are born, I am only an instrument to see that it happens. I am only a witness.”


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Yet those who stay with me here should not be careless thinking, ‘We are here in Mukthi Nilayam. Amma and Swami have brought us, we will attain Poornam’. I always tell them, ‘Do not be careless, practice awareness all the time.’
Some may ask, “We are near to Swami, what about us?”
Yes, you are near God’s physical form, but have you realized His omnipresence? Realize His omnipresence; love Him in all His creation. Swami says, ‘Love all’, are you loving all in the world? If you are not, then there is no use being ‘near’, Swami’s physical form. You may ask, ‘How is it in Mukthi Nilayam? Are those who are with you loving creation, loving all?’ Whether they love creation or not, they love me; I am Prakrithi. When they love me, the feeling to love Creation naturally comes to them.
Not only this, it is my feelings that take the form of the books I write. This is a continuous task from morning to night. Those who are here translate my work and enter it into the computer. In the evening, we have satsang on what I have written. In this way, all are absorbed in my feelings day and night. These feelings take form as books; the vibrations enter the Space through the Stupi. They are purifying the five elements. These vibrations are transforming millions of people in the world. Then, how can they not change those few here and make them pure? As they stay with me, my qualities enter them. They learn to love all Creation. This is the difference between them and others.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Those who have come to Mukthi Nilayam and joined me, have a deep thirst for God. Due to the wisdom revealed here moment to moment, they are able to read, absorb and transform themselves. They are here to help with my task, with my work.
In the Prema Sai Avatar, they will come as my relatives and live with Swami and I. Their lives will be Poornam. As they have no Karmic debt, there is no need for them to be born again. The question may arise, ‘How is it they have no Karma?’
It is because they have been brought for God’s mission and they are here with me. In their next life, they will live with God and attain Poornam, the Absolute state. They sacrificed all and came here because of their thirst for God. Now they do not have God’s physical nearness, no bliss of living with God. It is due to this yearning they came here. So when they come next, they will come as God’s relatives and live near Him. They will experience and attain Poornam.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

An example. There is a man called Rama. In this life, his experiences are a result of the Karmas he performed in previous births. This includes both good Karmas and bad Karmas. Now, what should he do in the coming 28 years?
All actions Rama performs, either good or bad will be registered in his Karmic account. The deep impressions that he accumulates, will be added to his sack of Karmas. In the forthcoming Sathya Yuga, he will live a blissful life. In 28 years time, only Swami’s feelings will function through Rama’s body. During the thousand years of Sathya Yuga, he will be born and die many times with these divine feelings. After a thousand years in Sathya Yuga, he will be born again according to the value of his balance of Karmas, left over from the present Kali Yuga.
This Karmic balance neither increases nor decreases during the Sathya Yuga. The whole age will be experienced in a blissful state. Throughout all his many births in Sathya Yuga, Rama may have different names and forms, but his Karmic balance will be waiting for him at the end of Sathya Yuga. It will be the cause for him to begin the cycle of Karmic births, when the Kali Age resumes in a thousand years; an Age much more terrible than now, the worst of Kali.
What then should we do in the 28 years? We must realize our condition and transform ourselves. This is the only solution.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Swami said in His Convocation Day discourse that after 28 years the whole world would become one. This is the Sathya Yuga. It means that we have all been given 28 years to completely transform ourselves. Every minute we must watch our thoughts and turn them towards God. We must control the five senses and purify ourselves. If we do this, there will be no Karma balance, the cause of rebirth in the next Kali Yuga.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I have written a great deal about Karma; how it continues birth to birth. I have revealed how in order to lessen the Karmas of the world, Swami and I are undergoing physical suffering in our bodies. This is all so that the Sathya Yuga can dawn. Swami is showing through these how the first age dawns; this truth was unknown so far.

Swami’s and my feelings enter everything in Creation and remove the impurities in Space. Our feelings fill the space purifying the five elements. For a thousand years, all will experience and enjoy this. At the end of the thousand years of the Sathya Yuga, man will be reborn and experience the balance of Karmas remaining from the Kali Yuga. If this is the case, what then is the solution to be free from the cycle of birth and death?


Monday, September 22, 2014

You may ask, ‘Is that all Sathya Yuga will be? You said everyone would get liberation. Now you say the Karmas will remain, still be there. What is this’?
The same thought also occurred to me after Swami revealed in meditation the truth about Karmic law. This Avatar has descended to reveal the subtlest of truths, so far not revealed to the world.
What is God’s nature? What are His qualities? How does God function when He descends as Avatar? How is the first Creation born? What is Karma? What is subtle Karma, what is very, very subtle Karma? How does it function in human life? Swami reveals these hidden truths to the world.
In earlier times, the higher wisdom of the Upanishads was revealed in the form of questions and answers between Guru and disciple. Now, through the conversations between God and Prakrithi, greater Truths are being expounded. Swami separates Himself from me and reveals Truth through the questions I ask Him. All my books are the higher wisdom heard in meditation from the voice of God. He has brought me here for these revelations.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Now, all experience the burden of Karma. I have asked for liberation for all. Due to this one pointed thought, ‘I am separated from God, I must unite with Him’, the blueprint for a New Creation emerged. I am not satisfied to experience God in this one body, I want the entire world to become like me and shower love on God. This blueprint has the power of creating a new world. It creates a New Creation like me, according to my desire. It is a Vasanthamayam Creation, where all will marry God and live with Him.
This new lineage is born to Swami and I and continues for a thousand years. In this lineage all men are Sathya, all women are Prema. All children are wisdom. This is called Sathya Yuga in Kali Yuga. At the end of a thousand years, all will suffer their Karmas again. During the many births they take in Sathya Yuga, they will not experience these Karmas. When Kali resumes after a thousand years of Sathya Yuga, their remaining Karmas will be waiting for them.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

The unseen root of Karma

A person is undergoing unbearable suffering. I pray tearfully to Swami for a solution to his problem. Swami says, “He must experience his Karma.” I continue to pray for him. Yesterday, the family telephoned me, all were crying. In meditation, I asked Swami about it.

17 December 2008 Meditation
Vasantha : Swami they are suffering greatly... You do something.
Swami : It is his Karma. Without this experience, how will he learn?
Vasantha : Swami, can’t You do anything for him?
Swami : I can lessen his Karma by half, but in the next birth he will have to experience the balance. The great devotee Ramdas, suffered in jail for 12 years. He used government taxes to build a temple for Lord Rama. He built a temple for God, but he had to suffer past Karmas. No one can escape the effects of Karma.
Vasantha : Swami, I asked for Universal Liberation. I thought that You are bestowing it, closing the Karmic accounts of all. Now Swami, You are telling about Karmic balance, what is this?
Swami : For the dawn of Sathya Yuga, we took the world’s Karmas and are suffering to change all.
Vasantha : Swami, even the wicked alcoholics are attaining Mukthi, how?
Swami : Now all will be liberated. They will enjoy the bliss of liberation for the 1000 year of Sathya Yuga. At the end of this, they will have to pick up their Karmic sack and live in Kali once more. Karma is postponed, deferred.

End of meditation


Friday, September 19, 2014

Today after abhishekam, I placed flowers on the padukas. At that time, a white petal flew directly on to the small Sai Krishna idol on the altar and covered His face. After arathi, we all looked. In the morning, Swami had told how He did not want to be here and that my Prema alone is keeping Him in the world. The flower over Krishna’s face was a sign showing that Swami cannot bear to see the people of Kali Yuga.


Vasantha : Swami, please tell something more about the Avatar not descending in Kali Yuga.
Swami : Your life is an example to show that the Avatars cannot live in the Kali Yuga. You said, ‘I cannot mingle with any’. Your habits are different, your nature is different. It is for this reason you suffer.

End of Meditation

My life is like this. From birth, I was very afraid to talk and mingle with others. The nature of worldly people is different from mine. I could not adjust to the world. I could not live with them. They lived lives of untruth. They did not keep their word. I cried and said, “Why are people like this? My nature is different.”’ I grew up away from the outside world. So when I was confronted by the world, I became afraid.
In my childhood, I always listened to stories from the Ramayana, Bhaktha Vijayam and the great devotees of the Lord. I thought that worldly people lived according to the principles laid down by them. When I discovered this was not the case, I could not understand it.
Then Swami revealed that I am born in the world for the first time. This is the reason why I could not understand the world and its people. Since I have lived only with God and I am newly born in the world, it is impossible for me to live here.
I then thought Swami’s devotees would be like Him; but they are also like ordinary people. Realizing this, I was even more afraid and cried. I took a vow to change this unsuitable world. I performed sadhana to make the Earth a suitable place for God to live. Crying many tears, I asked the boon of New Creation.
Because I could not live in the world, I have lived with God in an imaginary world from childhood. Now, during meditation I am truly living with God. In Mukthi Nilayam, we live with God alone, away from the Kali Yuga world. Swami explains His state through my state. He is showing through my life that the Avatar does not descend in Kali.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Conscience is the inner voice that corrects us when we go wrong. It is the voice of truth and honesty.

Now let us see about an incubator.

When a child is born prematurely, it is placed in an incubator for its sustenance. As the child has been born prematurely, outside conditions are not suitable for it. It is susceptible to disease. The incubator is like an artificial womb protecting the child.

The Sathya Yuga is not due for a very long time. Many thousands of years remain for the age to come. This being the case, if Sathya Yuga should dawn now, how difficult is the task. The evilness in Kali would attack the ‘premature’ Sathya Yuga. This should not happen and would not happen if the ages followed their natural cycle. Now, Sathya Yuga is coming prematurely, before it should. Through my Prema and feelings, I create the correct conditions to protect it. The Stupi acts as an incubator, protecting and spreading my feelings everywhere. It creates womb like conditions that nurture and protect the emerging Sathya Yuga from the evils of Kali. The Sathya Yuga will remain in the ‘Stupi incubator’ until the right time comes. This is Vishwagarbha.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Divinity is our true nature. Realizing this truth and not being deluded by anything else is the beauty of wisdom

Now let us see what Kaushika means by ‘unique Prema’. 

The human body is full of sweat, saliva, urine and phlegm. Is there anyone who does not have these? They are also in the Avatar’s body! Why am I the only one crying that I do not want these in my body? Because, I want to offer my body to God. Has anyone in this world offered their body to God? This mad Prema cries for this.

Sage Kaushika describes this Prema as ‘very unique’. This Prema is not of man. It does not belong in spiritual realms. It is not of the Avatars. This Prema is unique and beyond description. It is one of a kind. This is why Swami told, “Your Prema alone is keeping Me in this world, else I cannot be here.”

Avatars do not descend in the Kali Yuga. They cannot live in the Kali circumstances. They cannot live with Kali Yuga people. The Avatar only descends at the end of Kali to destroy all. After this, a new cycle of Ages begins. But now Swami has descended at the beginning of Kali. If Kali is so bad now, imagine how it will be in a thousand years?

Oh, Swami I am very afraid even to think of it!

Now Swami has descended in Kali and through His compassion is ushering in the Sathya Yuga. Prema is transforming all. My Prema and my desire for Universal Liberation keep Swami here on Earth.

Swami has been showing this path and guiding mankind for the last 80 years. Is anyone practicing and following what He has preached? This world and its people are not suitable for the Avatars.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Special Grace means special Prema. From the beginning of Creation, many have shown Prema. This is not worldly love. Worldly love is expressed through many different relationships. Between a man and woman, it is called infatuation. Between husband and wife it is called passion. The love between parents and children is called affection. The love between friends is fraternity. All these are examples of worldly love. When this love is directed towards God, it can be expressed in six bhavas of devotion.

Vatsalya Bhakthi – Affectionate devotion
Sakya Bhakthi – Companionship with God
Anuraga Bhakthi –Passionate devotion for God
Dasa Bhakthi – Devotion through service
Madhura Bhakthi – Sweet love for God
Shantha Bhakthi – Equanimity in devotion

My Prema is unlike any other. It is not an ordinary worldly love and is not of the six kinds of devotion.
Ten years ago my nadi was read. In it, my Prema was called a, ‘very unique Prema’. It is not the Prema of the previous Avatars. It is not the love of Sita for Rama. This is not Rukmini’s love for Krishna. It is not Radha’s love for Krishna. It is different and unique. What name can be given to the Prema I have for this Avatar? What category does it fall under? It is a mad Prema.

I want the Prema that cannot be contained within this one body to spread to all. Let the whole world become Vasantha and shower Prema on Swami. The only measure of this Prema is New Creation. Such a Prema has never been revealed at anytime in any age to any other Avatar.

It is a Prema that sheds tears, melting in thoughts from morning till night.
It is a Prema that does not want anything, even the God state.
It is a Prema that it is not contained in higher wisdom and the Brahma Sutra.

The Kaushika Nadi was read on 12 March 2004. It tells, “It is a very unique Prema bhakthi for Bhagavan Baba.” It is a Prema bhakthi that is eternal, and changeless.

It is a Prema that makes me forget the wisdom that I write and occupies my heart and mind fully.
It is a Prema that pushes away the God state, wanting a single darshan of Swami.
It is a Prema, which makes me think, ‘If I were a maid or puppy in the house of His close devotees, I could have darshan’.


Monday, September 15, 2014

8  December 2008 Meditation

   Vasantha :  Swami, I wrote about ‘Special Grace’.
   Swami      :  What does Special Grace mean? It is special Prema. Your Prema alone is keeping Me in this world, else I could not be here. Has any Avatar descended in the Kali Yuga? In Kali, Avatars do not come. It is a very difficult time. They cannot live with people on Earth under these circumstances. So, Avatars do not descend in Kali.
   Vasantha : Swami, how then does the Kalki Avatar come?
   Swami      : The Avatar descends at the end of the Yuga to destroy all. After this, the Krita Yuga comes. Now we have come at the beginning of Kali. Is changing Kali an easy task? You are doing all with your Prema.
   Vasantha : Swami, many times we have seen the form of a horse in the yagna pictures…You have said that it is the ‘Prema Horse’.
   Swami      :  Now the horse indicates the descent of Kalki Avatar at the end of the yuga. On Vaikunta Ekadasi perform a special yagna and pray for world peace.
                           …. A premature child is placed inside an incubator. It remains within until it can support itself. The baby is kept in the same conditions as the womb, at the same temp- erature. Sathya Yuga should be born before it is ‘due’ to change the Kali. For this, you are creating the right circumstances and feelings. This is like an incubator that protects the Sathya Yuga from the affects of Kali Age. The Stupi is the incubator. Through the Stupi, you are creating the right conditions. Only then will the Sathya Yuga come.

                End of Meditation

Sunday, September 14, 2014

As Trivakra knew who Sri Krishna was, Special Grace poured on her. The blind boy in Trichy did not know who Swami was, yet he too received Swami’s Special Grace. This Special Grace is impartial; it does not see differences. It is for this reason the nadi for the Stupi said that even wicked alcoholics will be liberated.
God showers His mercy on man in three ways,

  • Compassion 
  • Grace 
  • Special Grace 

Special Grace is the highest state. These three are the states of the Avatar. First through compassion, God descends as Avatar. During His advent, He showers grace on some. The third state is that of Special Grace. When this Special Grace flows, it does not consider deservedness, it just pours.
In the year 1997, we released my first book ‘Liberation Here Itself Right Now’ in Puttaparthi. It was on this day Swami rode in the golden chariot for the first time and it was announced that according to the sacred nadis, ‘whomsoever saw Swami in the chariot would attain liberation’.
It was on this auspicious day that Swami touched my book; He removed the ribbon and released the book with His divine hands.
Swami asked me to offer Time in the Yagna on the same day He rode in the golden chariot. Both these acts of Special Grace are for the benefit of the world, for Universal Liberation.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

The feelings that arise in one from the time of birth till death become deep impressions in the mind.

When people first began to ask me to pray for them, my attention was turned to the Karmas of the world. I knew the world was full of disease, problems and Karma. I cried to Swami, “You take the power of my penance and give liberation to all.” This prayer is fulfilled as Universal Liberation. I am not doing anything. Swami has brought His Spandha Shakthi and performs the task through her. This name and form is only His instrument. Swami’s Special Grace is functioning with Vasantha’s name and form.
In the morning when I was writing this article, a message was sent to us over the internet. It was Swami’s message, ‘Come with me, separation is no longer the order of the day. I separated Myself from Myself so that I could love Myself more. The experience is finished. I want all of Myself to return unto Me, the One Self’.
This is the Sathya Yuga. Swami is saying that now all experience has finished. What does it mean? It means Karmic experience has ended. Due to Karma, all are born to experience. Now, if there are no more Karmas, there is no more experience. It is for this reason that Swami asked me to place the symbol of ‘Time’ in the yagna for Poornahuthi on November 17. At this time, we noticed that the past and present on the clock were fully burnt, the future remained untouched. The meaning of this is that in Sathya Yuga, none will have Karmic birth. All will live a life of divinity. They will realize that they are not different from God. This is Sathya Yuga. This is the New Creation.
Swami said in His message that all should return to Him and merge back into Him Self. I am telling the same. All should merge in God like me. How I merge with Swami, all will merge with Him. I have said this in all my books. As I was writing this, the same words came to us in the form of Swami’s message! This is the proof that we two are One.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Before birth, feelings pervade the space without form. They search for the right vessel, time, place and parents.

Many years ago, I gave Savithri shakthi to a woman whose husband’s life was in danger. Swami extended his life by 20 years. In this way, I was able to remove the Karmas of some and extend their life. Through my prayers, many fatal diseases have been cured. I performed Karma Samhara for many people. I have written and recorded these incidences in many books. These are all proof that my tears and power of penance is removing Karmas.
An incident that happened in 1999 shows how a persons Karma was wiped away. Savithri is a devotee from South Africa. She was a very active member of Sai Samithi and a chairperson of nine Sai Centres. On the 13 October 1997, she was diagnosed with cancer. On 8 October 1999, Sumitra, a devotee known to me from Tanzania, phoned me and asked me to pray for her. In meditation Swami told me, ‘Cancer cancelled’. As I could not call her back, I asked Swami to send her the message! Then another devotee called from Africa and told that she would relay Swami’s message to them. In November, Savithri went to Puttaparthi to attend Swami’s birthday celebration. At that time, she had a check up at the Super Speciality hospital and given a clean bill of health. On December 3, Swami called her for an interview and advised to continue taking some medicines. She then asked Swami if she could visit me. Swami gave His permission and said, “Visit Vadakkampatti aunty.” All this shows how the power of my penance removed someone’s Karma.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Yogi who has obtained enlightenment has the same use for the Vedas as one has for a small pond in a place flooded with water!

Earlier Swami told that I am His, ‘Daya devi’, goddess of compassion. Daya means compassion. Now Swami is giving new explanations for Spandha, revealing it little by little. First, He said Chitshakthi, then Daya devi, now Special Grace. He brought my form as the embodiment of His Spandha Shakthi, which is within Him. As I was unaware of this truth, I have cried continuously to unite with Him.
Due to this separation and infinite Prema, I want to make all like me. Through the power of my penance, I balance all Karmas.
I have asked for Universal Liberation. All will attain it through this Special Grace and compassion. Even though God descends as Avatar, He does not interfere with the Karmic law. It is for this reason that He separated Himself into two and made me take birth as the form of His Special Grace. Through my penance, liberation will be bestowed to all. The Creation, which emerged from Him, will become like Him and then merge back into Him. It is for this reason alone He has made this master plan.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What is the Atma? It is pure consciousness. It is something that is indestructible birth less and deathless.

Another example. The Sahasra Chandra Yagna was performed in Puttaparthi for three days. The first two days Swami poured His compassion for the well-being of the world. It is due to this compassion that this yagna was performed. Swami remained in the Witness state. On the third day when He came in the golden chariot, He was in the state of Absolute Divine Grace. This Special divine Grace removes the evil powers from the world. On the same day, Swami asked me to offer ‘Time’, in the yagna in Mukthi Nilayam. As I am His Spandha Shakthi, Swami wanted me to remain in Mukthi Nilayam and offer ‘Time’ as Poornahuthi.
The Special Grace that Swami showered on the third day was a fruit of this. This is why Swami showered Special Grace on that day.
It is for this reason that Swami told me that I am the form of His Special Grace. He said, “You are pouring compassion on all and changing the very age.”


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All is God. Evrything is God; there is nothing but God

Swami does not interfere in the Karmic law. All should experience their Karma. The Spandha Shakthi shakes God who is in the Witness state to bestow Special Grace. The very descent of God as the Avatar shows His compassion. It is due to the same compassion that the Spandha Shakthi bestows Special Grace on some. During all the Avatars, this Special Grace is bestowed on a fortunate few. This is the omniscient nature of God. The Avatar descends due to compassion, however, Special Grace is an act of God’s Chitshakthi, this is the difference.
Once, Swami restored the life of a devotee, Walter Cowan. This is an example of Special Grace. There are many such examples. The Dynamic Consciousness kindles God to act and bestows Special Grace. Another example. At the time of Krishna Avatar, Trivakra gave Kamsa’s chandan to Krishna. After this, Krishna showered Special Grace on her transforming her form. In a single moment, Trivakra became a beautiful woman. As she recognized who Krishna was, Trivakra gave Kamsa’s chandan freely without fear. Thereafter Krishna restored her beauty and straightened her crippled body. In a moment all her Karmas were wiped away. The Spandha Shakthi kindled Krishna from within.
Every Avatar pours compassion and grace on humanity. Avatars only descend due to this compassion. Ordinarily Avatars remain in the Witness state. However, when they wipe out Karmas, they function from the state of Divine grace.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Can anyone limit love? Narrow mindedness does not allow the experience of limitless love; it only finds fault

Spandha, the power of God’s Dynamic consciousness shakes Him. After this, a light descends from Him to take the form of an Avatar.
God is here as the embodiment of compassion. Spandha Shakthi means compassion. Whenever unrighteousness prevails and dharma declines, this power of compassion shakes God. It turns His attention to show that the time has come for His Avatar. This shaking is the cause for light to descend on Earth as the Avatar. Though He is the embodiment of compassion, the Avatar is in the Witness state. He has come here for the Avataric task and to establish dharma. He does not interfere in Karmic law. However, sometimes His grace pours on someone and their Karmas are wiped away.
An example. Many years ago, Swami spoke at a large gathering in Trichy. At that time, he called a blind boy from the crowd and restored his sight. All were wonderstruck. The next morning a large group assembled in front of the house where Swami was staying. All were blind! As Swami had restored the eyesight of the boy the previous day, all gathered to have their sight restored. Swami however, left the building through a side door and drove away. This incident shows Swami’s Special Grace for the boy.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Living a life of detachment is liberation

Special Grace
1 July 2008 Morning meditation
Vasantha : Swami, tell something about Spandha.
Swami : God is an embodiment of grace. Due to His compassion, He descends as Avatar in the state of Witness. He does not interfere in Karma. Sometimes He bestows His Special Grace on an individual. At that time all Karma vanishes. This is Spandha, Special Grace.
Vasantha : Swami is it the Spandha that turns God’s attention to a soul?
Swami : Correct. The Spandha acts when God removes ones Karma. It is not a common occurrence. Special Grace has taken your form and descended here. It is through this compassion the yuga changes.
Vasantha : Swami, were Sita and Radha also like this? They were Spandha Shakthi…
Swami : Yes. Sita’s role was very small, Radha’s bigger. Now your role is greater then theirs. You came to transform an Age through your penance and tears. You came here due to your compassion.
End of meditation


Saturday, September 6, 2014

We have to adhere to our own dharma, our righteous duty, regardless of the innumerable hurdles on our path

Through this one word, ‘Dental’, thirty-two thoughts connected to make a long chain. How can one word produce so many thoughts! How many words are we speaking from morning till night? How many things do we see? How many words do we read? How many thoughts do we have? How many thoughts are connecting themselves everyday in this way?
If you spent time one day calculating how many different thoughts you have, it would total more than one lakh!
This bundle of thoughts is the mind. They are all rooted in body consciousness. One word collects one lakh of matter, in one day.
What did I do when I heard the word, ‘dental’?
First, I said, “The dentist’s father is a dentist as well.” This reveals that I always connect with the root of the matter.
This is ‘root feeling’. Whatever word I hear, it touches the root. I said the dentist’s father is also a dentist; he is the root of his son. This is the lineage.
The moment my mind hears a word, it finds out the root. God is the root of all, the source of all things. So when I heard the word ‘Transcendental’, I said, “Trans..., oh, as in transmigration. I will enter in all.” Next the thought ‘through transmigration I will enter all Creation. All will have only my feelings...only God everywhere’.


Friday, September 5, 2014

We should think “all are my family, my neighbours, the street, all belongs to me” By linking hands with all, one experiences Universal love.

My mind is always running after God; I connect all with God. There is no ‘I’ here. If there is no ‘I’, then there can be no ‘my’. Since I have no ‘I’, I found the Adi Moola, the Primal Being. When there is no mind, God is seen everywhere. I find the root of all Creation, the Moola Prakrithi, Primal Matter. Now God and creation are the same. God is Creation.

...You collect the matter - I connect with God...

Here is an example how one word, transcendental, can create a whole chain of thoughts.

1) Dental
2) Tooth
3) Toothache, pain
4) Description of the pain
5) Solution for the pain
6) Doctor
7) Doctor’s name
8) Doctor’s form
9) Cost of the treatment
10) How many days of pain
11) How much suffering
12) Not able to eat
13) How much swelling
14) Asking for help
15) Who helped?
16) How many times I went to the doctor.
17) Nobody should suffer from toothache.
18) When I went to another doctor, he did not treat me very well.
19) My current doctor is a very good man.
20) He gave me an x ray last time.
21) There was quite a long wait in the waiting room.
22) Thoughts of the next appointment
23) How long I am sitting without seeing doctor
24) Recollection of talking with man next to me. I remembered his experience and he listened to mine and consoled me.
25) I did not see the man again, though I visited the doctor three more times.
26) I went to dentist as a patient and made a friend. I hope I see him again.
27) Why did I have to make an appointment, though I was an emergency case? The doctor told me he would only see me with an appointment!
28) I am suffering so much pain, yet he said make an appointment. What is this? My toothache did not ask for an appointment, it just came.
29) I only went to the dentist because it was an emergency!
30) How much I am suffering, but my appointment is not for two days.
31) But it is okay, he is a good doctor.
32) I will recommend all those with a toothache to consult with him. He is a good doctor.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Lord will reside only in a pure guileless heart

What is the root of these thoughts? What is the origin? Whenever one thought comes, another quickly follows. Then a third thought arises. In this way, all thoughts line up. What is the root of these thoughts? It is God, only God. The source of all my thoughts is only God. Since I only see the Source of all, it becomes Adi Moola, the Primal Being. This is how my mind thinks. Now about matter.
Whatever I see, wherever I look, I see only God. This is why I am different. Everything in Creation (all material things) brings thoughts of God and so becomes Primal Matter.
Man’s mind continually searches for and pursues matter. This is the reason he is trapped in the cycle of birth and death. Mind means ‘I’ and matter is ‘mine’. As you connect the ‘I’ with the body and collect matter, there is continual birth and death.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

As the quality of our devotion becomes more refined, the distance between God and us reduces and things happen by themselves.

For example, when I see a door, I do not see it as a mere door, but a gateway to liberation. When I see a pillow, which in Tamil is referred to as ‘a dam for the head’, I say ‘This dam is not for the head, but for the thoughts that arise in the mind’. In this way, I connect everything I see with God. All my thoughts are turned towards God. I trained my senses and mind to connect like this from a young age. I see God in everything. My mind only connects with God, so all my thoughts are centered on Him. My ‘mine’ is God only.

Here is another example. In Mukthi Nilayam, many peacocks roam the grounds. My eyes see a peacock and I immediately remember the essay I wrote, ‘The peak of ‘I’ is peacocks eye’.

...This connects to the omnipresent God principle.

...This links to the sloka ‘Sarvatho Paani Paadam’.

...‘Sarvatho Paani Paadam’ brings the thought that Swami is all.

The next moment, if I see a peacock’s feather, I connect it to Krishna’s form. The chain of my thoughts begins with a peacock feather and ends with God. The peacock is the matter, the chain of thoughts, the mind. This is the way that I connect all I see with God.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What is the use of liberation attained after death? Can one experience it after death? This bliss of Sai is supreme to any heavenly bliss. Experience the sweet nectar of Sai here and now.

He laments further…

… ‘Even near God there is ‘I and mine’. Where is the place without mind or matter? Oh God show me a place where thoughts will not come. Show me a place where there is no enmity, jealousy, a place without ‘I and mine’. Where can we find refuge?’

What is the remedy? He went from worldly life to spiritual life, to God’s very place. Yet there too it was the same.

Now let us look at my life. How have I lived? Whatever I see I connect with God. An example. Let us take the same word, ‘transcendental’. When I heard the word, I remembered, ‘Transmigration’. In the book Prema Sai Pt 3 ‘Sai Digest’, Swami told in the chapter, ‘God’s Transmigration’, “Even if God Himself transmigrates into you, you will not change. Your sharing nature and innate wisdom will never leave you.” Swami said that even if God talks about worldly matters, I would remain untouched.

How did this wisdom come to me? It is due to matter. Whatever matter I see, I connect with God. I wrote in the book ‘Yoga Sutra’, how I connect all worldly matters with God.


Monday, September 1, 2014

We are only the caretakers of the Lord's creation. Wedo not ownanything

Now that he knows the name, form, time, place and the actions of God, he is very happy. He thinks, ‘Enough of this worldly life, I will go to God’. He finishes his duty to his son and daughter and goes to live in Puttaparthi with his wife. There he tells of the high post he held in the world and shows the degree he attained. Finally, with great difficulty he secures a post inside Prasanthi Nilayam. He begins to do service. He gets a room inside and tells all, “I am living with God and serving Him.” This he tells proudly to all. He thinks to himself,

… ‘I am in the correct place. Why are worldly people suffering so much? I am free from all the worries of the world. I have come to God. Appaadaa! Now I can take it easy.

… My worldly suffering has ended. I have Swami’s darshan every morning and evening. The whole day I am immersed in serving Swami chanting…. Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram. How peaceful!”


… ‘Yesterday, when Swami came he spoke to the person next to me. Why didn’t He speak with me? He began doing service after me…he is a junior. Swami did not even look at me when He came close... Why did that officer speak harshly to me? Is he so very high? I am also doing service like him…Why does he have a VIP seat? This morning Swami called him and spoke very harshly to him. As he is very near to Swami, he has become very big headed…that is why Swami spoke with him so seriously today… I would be very careful if I were him...!’

For some days, his mind was very calm. Now it has started again. It begins to say many things. He thinks,

‘My old life was much better. Why have I come here? If I was with my family, I would be very happy. I could play with my grandchildren. But here with God there is no peace. All only find fault with me. I am living here with God fearful every moment that I might be asked to leave’.
