Thursday, September 25, 2014

An example. There is a man called Rama. In this life, his experiences are a result of the Karmas he performed in previous births. This includes both good Karmas and bad Karmas. Now, what should he do in the coming 28 years?
All actions Rama performs, either good or bad will be registered in his Karmic account. The deep impressions that he accumulates, will be added to his sack of Karmas. In the forthcoming Sathya Yuga, he will live a blissful life. In 28 years time, only Swami’s feelings will function through Rama’s body. During the thousand years of Sathya Yuga, he will be born and die many times with these divine feelings. After a thousand years in Sathya Yuga, he will be born again according to the value of his balance of Karmas, left over from the present Kali Yuga.
This Karmic balance neither increases nor decreases during the Sathya Yuga. The whole age will be experienced in a blissful state. Throughout all his many births in Sathya Yuga, Rama may have different names and forms, but his Karmic balance will be waiting for him at the end of Sathya Yuga. It will be the cause for him to begin the cycle of Karmic births, when the Kali Age resumes in a thousand years; an Age much more terrible than now, the worst of Kali.
What then should we do in the 28 years? We must realize our condition and transform ourselves. This is the only solution.
