Monday, September 1, 2014

We are only the caretakers of the Lord's creation. Wedo not ownanything

Now that he knows the name, form, time, place and the actions of God, he is very happy. He thinks, ‘Enough of this worldly life, I will go to God’. He finishes his duty to his son and daughter and goes to live in Puttaparthi with his wife. There he tells of the high post he held in the world and shows the degree he attained. Finally, with great difficulty he secures a post inside Prasanthi Nilayam. He begins to do service. He gets a room inside and tells all, “I am living with God and serving Him.” This he tells proudly to all. He thinks to himself,

… ‘I am in the correct place. Why are worldly people suffering so much? I am free from all the worries of the world. I have come to God. Appaadaa! Now I can take it easy.

… My worldly suffering has ended. I have Swami’s darshan every morning and evening. The whole day I am immersed in serving Swami chanting…. Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram. How peaceful!”


… ‘Yesterday, when Swami came he spoke to the person next to me. Why didn’t He speak with me? He began doing service after me…he is a junior. Swami did not even look at me when He came close... Why did that officer speak harshly to me? Is he so very high? I am also doing service like him…Why does he have a VIP seat? This morning Swami called him and spoke very harshly to him. As he is very near to Swami, he has become very big headed…that is why Swami spoke with him so seriously today… I would be very careful if I were him...!’

For some days, his mind was very calm. Now it has started again. It begins to say many things. He thinks,

‘My old life was much better. Why have I come here? If I was with my family, I would be very happy. I could play with my grandchildren. But here with God there is no peace. All only find fault with me. I am living here with God fearful every moment that I might be asked to leave’.
