Monday, June 24, 2013

Thought for the day
The five elements directly affect the five senses. If we are not pure, the five elements will lose their purity. Therefore, each one of us is responsible to bring harmony to the five elements. 

From the book Miracle Maya Part 2

One man has acquired many siddhi powers. He considers himself a high soul. He has these powers due to the penance done in previous births. He can manifest vibhutti and small idols. He can bring lingams from his mouth. He has Swami’s grace, yet he has ego. He considers it as self confidence but it is over confidence. This is vanity which turns into ego. He though does not realise this.

Here is one experience I had with him:
In 2002 Swami told me to go to the vashista cave there He told me that he would marry me physically. Seven of us from Madurai started for the trip it was a wonderful journey. All of us were very excited how will Swami come? How will He marry me?
A few days before we left for Vashista cave this particular man came and said Swami had come and told him to give a mangalya to me.
He said, ‘It is inside my body, it is mother sita’s mangalya, I will  remove it from my  body and give it to you there, Swami will then tie it around your neck’
I cried bitterly to Swami.

Vasantha: Should you not give me the mangalya with your own hands? How can my mind accept a mangalya from someone else’s body? How can I wear it you should tie the mangalya yourself otherwise it will compromise my chastity. I will accept a mangalya if you yourself materialize it or even if it comes from the flow of the river, but I feel disgusted if it were to come from the body of another how can I accept it?
 I cried bitterly thinking thus and told all to the ashramites. I was feeling so uncomfortable with this thought that eventually I told this man that I cannot accept this mangalya that will come out of your body. Saying thus I continued to cry.

 Morning  Meditation.

Vasantha: I am wrong Swami if this is your sankalpa then I will accept it.  I then told the man, ‘I will do as you ask I will accept the mangalya from you’ He replied ‘I have returned the mangalya because you refused it’

Before we were to go to Vashista cave SV went to purchase some items plates tumblers  small silver pots for vibutthi and kumkum, bangles, toe rings and a sari. Before he reached the house there was kumkum on everything. I asked Swami whether we should buy a mangalya. He said ‘no not now’
We reached the Vashista cave and meditated the whole night, it was very cold. Swami came at 4am. He held me by the hand and said “You pure consciousness, have merged in me pure consciousness. This merger is our marriage this is the foundation stone ceremony for the Sathya yuga. All this happened in the presence of Vashista, Arundathi and all Gods and Goddesses. This vision was perceived by the seven that accompanied me yet we had a feeling of disappointment because Swami had told that he would come physically but He did not. I cried, immediately the man said, ‘why did you refuse the mangalyam from me? This is why Swami didn’t come. Now if you tell me I will give you the mangalya Swami will  then come and tie it around your neck, I agreed. He took the mangalya from the ganges and sent it to me through one woman. I was continuously crying. The woman brought the ornament made of silver and black beads it was shining bright. I however did not even see it properly. I did not touch it. I told the woman to place it on Swami’s padukas. SV, Fred, Yamini and Geetha all tried to console me my tears did not abate. A short while later the same woman returned and took the mangala saying “he has asked for it” later he came to my room. I asked Him where the mangalya was he replied all are asking for it so I threw it in the Ganges.
We were shocked, next day all of us returned from the Vashista cave we stayed together in one house. The following day Geeta had to run some errands and happened to visit the house where the same man was staying. There he took out the mangalya from his pocket and forced the hostess of the house to wear it.
 Why did he do this? I refused to wear the mangalya so he made another woman wear it.
 He told me that it was mother Sita’s mangalya and Swami would tie it around my neck. Now he has given it to another woman. It hurt me very deeply he has dragged the glory of mother Sita and the glory of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba through the mud. I cried in agony. This event went deep into my heart it shocked me. This incident reveals his ego, he is arrogantly swearing that he has the power to bring Swami. But Swami did not come. This man played with the fire of my chastity. Many people have played many dirty games with me and hurt me, but know one has played with the fire of my chastity. Swami says ‘you cannot touch anyone, no one can touch you this is the fire of your one pointed chastity’
This man has the power to bring out many objects from his mouth in the same breath he speaks casually about the sacred mangalya. This tarnished the sanctity of Sita’s mangalya. This mangalya is not for an ordinary person he wants to take it out from his mouth and give it to Swami then he says Swami will tie it around my neck. What blasphemy! Is it an object to be touched by God? How this strange man has weighed God. He says if you say ok I will bring Swami here. Do you think Swami is a puppy in your house? To come running the moment you call? How silly! How much ego! Is a mangalya an ordinary object to be bought in a shop? to give to anyone at anytime as you think? He said it was mother Sitas mangalya. He brought out mothers Sita’s mangalya for me and when I refused to accept it he forced another woman to wear it. If Swami wants to give me a mangalya will Swami not give it to me Himself? This happened in 2002 at that time I did not know about the world and the people that do siddhi’s. I believed this man totally. He said that Swami himself had put the mangalya in his stomach. I believed him. How much sadhana I have done? How much wisdom did I gain?