Monday, June 24, 2013

Thought for the day
There is one Universal Consciousness. Our feelings connect us to that Universal Consciousness.
From the book Brahma Sutra

Before the construction of the Mukthi Stupi, we consulted the Kagabujandar Nadi. The Nadi said that the sceptre of Mukthi acquired through the penance of Venkatesh Rajan in the celestial court, and the Mukthi Stupi are the same.
I was born due to the prayers of my ancestors. Swami says the dharma pillar or Mukthi Stupi, is the mirror image of Him, the sceptre of Truth. I am Swami’s mirror image. The Nadi also says, “She, who has attained the half of God.” From the time of my birth, I have searched only for God.
 Through my intense love for God, I have lived a life of righteousness and have attained Him, merged in Him. For the one who has attained the Lord by following the path of dharma, dharma now follows him. An example. Though I desired to marry God, I was told that it was not possible and was married in the normal way. This caused me great pain and I cried many tears. After crying and yearning for over 46 years, Swami told me to compare my wedding photograph, with a picture of Him in His youth. The form of the one whom I married and Swami’s form looked like they were cast from the same mould. Swami then said that dharma entered into the action of my marriage and that it was He alone whom I had married. This proof shows that as I had followed dharma, dharma followed me.
In February 2008 the naadis were consulted again. The texts confirm that Swami was in the form of the one I married. I married only Swami.
In April 2003 Swami said, “Rama and Sita did not waver from the path of dharma even in thought. Their life together defines Prema and exemplifies chastity. The first syllable of Rama, ‘Ra’ and the second syllable ‘dha’ of Seetha, unite to become Radha, you. You have fire like chastity. You have offered everything to God. Due to this, the karmas of the world are burnt and Universal Liberation is bestowed.”Swami said that since I have sanctified my whole life in this way, dharma now follows me. The scriptures teach dharma. Manu, the first man, lay down the codes of dharma; it is called Manu dharma shastra. There is a code of dharma for each and everyone. There is a dharma for a king, dharma for ministers, individual dharma for men and women, political and social dharma. Dharma prevails only when each follows his prescribed code of dharma. When dharma declines, God descends as Avatar.
The cycle of Nature revolves around man’s observance of dharma. When man performs actions by walking on the path of dharma, rains come. When the rains come at the proper time, the seasons follow as they should, crops and food are plentiful. Man is sustained by and born through food. When he deviates from dharma, Nature is affected. The harmony in Nature is disturbed and it shows its fury. At this time, God descends as Avatar to establish dharma.Like the cycle of Nature, the establishment of dharma also follows a recurring pattern. In every Yuga, there is a need for the descent of the Avatar to establish dharma. Why this repetition in the decline of dharma? Through inquiry, I found that it is due to the lack of Prema. I am showing through my life that when Dharma is followed with Prema as its basis, it will not be destroyed. Swami refers to this when He said, “You laid a new path of Prema.”