Friday, May 17, 2013



Mukthi will only be attained by sacrificing everything.

Pig or Zip?
Today,Swami gave a piece of divine post with the following written onit:
"Do not look back and do not dream about the future, either it
will neithergive you the past, nor satisfy your other daydreams.
Your duty, your reward-your destiny are here and now."
Dag Hammarskjold
UN Secretary General
24 April 2013 Noon meditation
Vasantha:Swami, what is this that someone has written?
Swami:You write an awareness article on this. Before I gave what Jesus said.I
have now given this.
Vasantha:I understand Swami, I will write.
End of meditation
Previously, Swami gave many quotes from the Bible and asked me to write. I
wrote. He has now given this in the same way. This person livedfrom1905 to 1961. Let
us see. He first tells that we should not look to the past. Yet, man is always thinking
about what happened in the past. This happens particularly in his old age, when hehas
nothing to do. The mind looks back to the past, to old thoughts. He thinks about what
happened in his youth and contemplates. What is the use of this? There is more benefit
in him thinking of God or chanting His name. There is no use in thinking of the past.
The man then tells not to dream of the future. Yet, man is always doing this. He
spends all his time immersed in dreams of the future. These two are his life. He never
thinks about the present. The mind always thinks of the past or future things. These two
are of no use. What is your duty? It isonlyto attain God. There are no other duties for
man. Man is born here only to attain God.Our thoughts and deeds should only be on
how to attain God. This is our duty. This must be contemplated on and knownclearly.
Each and everyone are given birth, in order not to be born again. If you do not use your
life for this, you will be born and die again and again.The reward we get is in accordance
with the duty we perform. This is our destiny, which we get'hereitself right now'.
However, we can change our destiny, with hard work.Markendeyaonly had a life
span of 16 years, but through his hardwork,he changed this. All efforts should be for
attaining God. If weactin this way and perform intense sadhana,wecan attain  "Liberation Here itself right now"in

'liberation here itself right now'.