Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thought for the day

We can realise Truth when we remove the thought "I am the body". 

From the book Ten Avatars in One


Sage Pasurama was born to Rishi Jamadagni and Renuka Devi.  Once king Karatheveedhay killed Sage Jamadagni. This got Pashurama very angry and so he took one vow - that he would kill 21 lineages of every King. He killed all. His weapon was the axe.  He would cut the Kings, like the cutting of trees. He killed all kings and took their land.

Renuka devi was a women of higher chastity. Daily she would go to the river side, take the sand make a pot.  She would then fill the pot with water. She would always do like this. Once when she went into the water to fill the pot, she saw a reflection of a deva. She thought, “What a beautiful deva.” Immediately the pot broke. Again and again she tried to remake the pot, but could not do so. She was very sad.  Jamadagni became very angry and called Pasuhrama. He ordered, “You cut your mothers ‘s head, she has lost her chastity.” Immeditately Pashurama cut his mother’s head. Jamadagni was very happy and said, “You ask for one boon. Pashuram then pleaded to his father, “Bring my mother’s life back. Renuka came back.

How much was expected of chastity in those days.  Renuka did not even directly look at the Deva. She bent down, filled the pot and saw a form in the water. She thought, “What a beautiful deva.” In those time, they would consider this a blemish to chastity.  This was the height of chastity they desired for women. She could make a pot with the river sand and take water. This the amount of chastity she possessed.  Could anyone make a pot with the river sand and take water? It is not possible. However at that time women proved it to be possible by the power of higher chastity. 

Pashuram obeyed His father command and severed his mothers head. Then when given a boon, he asked that his mother be given back her life. Pasurama is an example of how one son should obey the word of his father. One King had killed his father. So he cut the heads of all the Kshatriyas in the country; but made a vow, “ I will not kill a Kings who is to be married or a King performing yagna.” Fore this reason he did not kill King Janaka and Dasaratha. Everytime Pasuhram would go to King Dasrath, the King would be ready for marriage. Everytime he went to the Kingdom of Janaka, the King was about to perform a yaga. Swami said, “this is all God’s will, it wasfor the avataric task Rama and Sita were born to them.”  After Rama’s marriage all returned to Auyodhiya. At that time Pashuram came and stopped Rama’s chariot saying, “You broke Shiva bow, but now come and try to break Vishnu’s bow.” Rama won the battle. Pashuram then left to perform penance. One King made a mistake, yet he killed every King.

 The power of a women’s chastity was demonstrated in the time of the Pashruam avatar. This was the seed. The power of chasisity was shown by the making a pot with river sand; filling it with water. This was the amount of chastity. Now my power of chastity is giving world liberation. This is the expansion. Seeing one man’s reflection in the water and thinking of his beauty, that thought is a blemish to my chastity. It was shown on that day. It is the seed.

Let us see the expansion in one poem which was given by Swami.

Oh breeze gently you blow.
If you touch her body she will cry my chasisit gone.

Whatever your eyes see, it is only your loving God.
If the eyes do not see it, you said the eyes lost chastity.

Whatever you talk, you speak only of your Prabhu.
If the speech is not so, you said the speech lost chastity.
Whatever you think is all your dear God.
If it were not so, you said the thoughts have lost chastity.
Whatever you heard, all your God’s voice
If it slips from hearing, then you said the ears lost chastity.
Whatever you touch is only God.
If you miss to touch, you said touch feeling lost chastity.
So, you see your dear God in the entire creation.
So, you learn one art to change the creation as God.

I wrote this in the book Brilliance of a million suns in the chapter Chastity. There I also wrote about the rules and regulations of chastity. I wrote and so Swami said, “You see God throughout the creation and are making the entire creation as God.” The blemish of chastity shown by Renuka, is the seed.  The expansion is shown through me.  Anything I see, touch, here other than God I cry saying that I have lost my chastity. This much chastity is shown. These all are through the senses.

However, I also want that every organ within my body be pure. Like ordinary people, I do not want saliva, sweat, and urine in my body. I say this dirt affects the purity of my chastity. All maybe women of higher chastity. But none has purified their body and offered it.  Renuka thought of beauty and they think it is a blemish of chastity. But no one has merged in their husbands body with their own body. I alone want to transform my body into jyothi and merge into Swami’s body. This is why I also want my body to be pure. With dirt is in this body, my chastity is gone.  Through the power of my chastity, I make mud pot human beings into amrith pots. Mud pots break. In the same way the human body dies.  The amrith pot means the amrith jeeva. He does not die, but is immortal.

Swami took on August 9,2009 during evening darshan in Sai Kulwant Hall.