Thought for the day
Divert all your feelings towards God. Do you feel angry? Then feel angry with God saying, "why did I not get your darshan?" Tell Him your feelings.
Awareness Article Nr 5 Cannon Ball Bombs
See through me
Hear through me
Feel through me
Work through me
Speak through me
Let me empty my ‘Self’,so like Krishna’s flute,
You can use me and play a beautiful tune through me.
'Be a zero, be a hero'.
Here, Swami explains that after leaving the eight kinds of egoism, one should empty oneself. This is to become a zero. From zero, one becomes a hero. Howare those who leave the ‘i’, the ego?
'See through me'-In answer to this, Swami tells that whatever is seen is seen through Him. When there is no ‘i’,all is seen as God. If there is ‘i’, then whatever is seen we say, ‘This is mine...that belongs to others’. It is through this, the feelings of differences arise.
Only when one fully empties himself and is without ‘i’, will the blue light,the Indwellerwithin all, expand and expand. This is God. I have written about this many times. When we empty ourselves, the God within us, grows larger and larger, filling us completely. The jeeva then tells God, ‘O Lord, I am now only an instrument. You do al![](file:///C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif)
l through me’. This is the state of Bartha, the sustainer. Man tells God, ‘As You are doing all, I offer all the fruits of action to You’. God alone should enjoy the fruits.
Here, God is in the Bhoktha state, where He enjoys all. Whatever is seen, it is God alone who sees. Swami then wrote, ‘Hear through me’. God never hears bad words. This is the state of one who has fully emptied himself. One only hears the words of God. What are God’s words? Japa, meditation and bhajanare all about God. What did Swami hear in Prasanthi Nilayam for 84 years? Only Veda and mantra chanting. All was only about God, Him. There were no other sounds, like those heard in a market place! There was no sound of one man challenging another, as happens around politicians. Whatever we must not hear, should not come to our ears.
Sanyasis are always alone. They have no connection with others. Their ears only hear the voice of God. Even the sound of the buzzing insect is the sweet melody of God. The sound ofabirdcall,Nagarsankirtan.This is how they hear each and every sound. They live life in the same way, everywhere, whether in the forest or market place. Swami then indicated,‘Feel throughme’. God says to feel through Him. Feel means ‘touch feeling’. Whatever we touch should become like God’s touch. How does God touch? He isin the Witness state. Whoever touches Him, does not affect Him.
WhomeverHe touches, does not affect Him either. One must be like this. A man feels the touch of his wife and thinks it is like heaven! When his child touches him, he is in a bliss state. Yet,when an enemy touches him, he becomes angry; he feels as though he has been touched by fire! Thus,all is untruth, false and illusion.Thismustbechanged. Nothing will touch the one who performs sadhana and makes themselves empty. This is because God alone is all relationships. Thisjeeva is ever calm in the God state.
He is always in thoughts of God, singing His glory; his world becomes separate. He does not touch the world and lives on his own, separate from all. This was my state. Thus, Swami createdthe separate world of Silver Island for me.
Lord,‘Speak through me’.When God fills us, He speaks through us. How will it be? When our senses, mind, intellect, consciousness and ego are emptied, God fills us within. We come to the Bhoktha state, where God talks through us.Many of the great saints have proved this. When they were deeply merged in God’s thoughts, they heard His voice. They recorded these as the Vedas and Upanishads. Now, all casually say, ‘Swami is talking through me’. One must renounceall things as the ancientrishis have. Only the one,who has emptiedhimselffully, becoming nothingness, can hear God’s voice and speak with Him. When we no longer have the eight types of egoismandmakeourselves empty,then like Krishna’s flute, God will play sweet music through us. God can only play through the flute, which is hollow and empty.