Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thought for the day

If the mind is withdrawn from the outer world and the consciousness is focused within, it is Atma.

From the Awareness Article #9

Swami gave a list of many questions. Question 28 asks,
28-Which word best describes you?
If asked this question,how should I answer?Let usanalyzethis.
I amAtma.If I am Atma, then why do I give so much importance to the body? It is because this body must merge with Swami’s body. Why do I think in this way? Up until this time, none of therishis andsages who havecomehave thought in this way. Why doI alone think like this? From my very youngest age, I wanted to marry God. If it is marriage,thenthe bodyalsomust be offered to Him.I am very strong and determined that thisbody, which is tobeofferedto God, must not fall on the ground. Thus, I am not Atma.
Am I Shakthi? No, I am not Shakthi.Swami told me that I am His Shakthi.I wroteaboutthis in my first book, which Swami signed.However, after I wroteit, I was chased away and not allowed to see Swami. I no longer went to Puttaparthi

In 2001, Swami gave theMangalyaand proved that I am His Shakthi.In 2003, Swami called me back to Puttaparthi at the time of Shivarathri.There,He showed that we are Shiva Shakthi. In 1963, Swami lay paralyzed for 8 days. Aftercuring Himself, He revealed that the paralysis to His left side was due to Shakthi and told the story of Sage Bharadwaja.
In the same way, before the opening of the GarbhaKottam, we performed many yagnas. It was then I suffered 8 days of pain down my left side. Nanjundaih Dixit, an aspect of Sage Bharadwaja came here to perform theyagnas. Swami said that this all showedthat I amHisShakthi. In 2007, I wrote the book'Last7Days of God'and was again stopped from going inside Prasanthi Nilayam. How many obstacles are there for Swami’s Shakthi to see Him?I was chased away from every place I went. Up papa! Enough! I am not Shakthi! Please leave me alone!Enough!Enough! Iam not Shakthi! God may tell of HisShakthi, but human beings will never accept it. Thus,I am not Shakthi, no no no! Who am I? Am I the mind? If I am the mind, then thousands and thousands of desires will arise in me. Yet, I do not have any worldly desires.My one and only desire is
that I want to see and talk with Swami physically. It is due to desires that a man is born and dies again and again. I have no mind; my mind is only with Swami. Thus, I am not mind. I have no mind. Then, ‘Who am I'?I ask myself the very same question. Am I a woman? No! No! Thinking that I am a woman, I was stopped from seeing Swami. They would not allow me. God is man and I am the woman who loves God. What a strange world? Nothing else is known in this world except the man and woman relationship. This is how they see God also. This is their view. As I am a woman, they chased me away like a dog! No, no! Oi Yo! I am not a woman, please leave me alone. I have been tortured like Saint Catherine.Can the one born as a woman not become a saint? Do women haveno right to attain the post of sage orsaint? Has she no rights? A woman cannot be one who renounces all? Swami came here to show the greatness of womanhood.Thus,we make the world as Sathya Yuga. Swami makes it Vasanthamayam.Now who will chase me? You are Sathya Sai. TheVasantha,who is chased by you, is also your mother,wifeand daughter! So who chases whom? And   where are they chased? Who am I? There is only one word to describe me.I am thedustunder Swami’s feet.Swami,enough of this human birth!This world and those in it are all unfamiliar to me. I am not familiar with them or their qualities. There is only one place for me to hide and that is underYourfeet.There, I am unseen by the world. Swami gave me 108 Sanskrit names,108Tamilnamesand 89 names for the body. Of all these there is only one name that I want,

Sai Pada Dhulikayai’, the dust of Swami’s feet.