Friday, May 31, 2013

Thought for the day

We must sacrifice the fruits of action. Only then will we attain God.

From the book How the Sathya Yuga is Coming

Radha Krishna’s first meeting took place on Purattasi Purnima. They knew on their very first meeting that they were tied to each other by Prema. This is not an ordinary love, it was bond of the soul, a love beyond the body. This is why they did not suffer pangs of separation. Radha lived in Brindavan while Krishna lived in Mathura and Dwaraka. They lived in each other’s thoughts. Krishna knew about Radha’s end, so He came on Purattasi Purnima. He called Radha with his flute. Radha came running, the moment she heard the flute. Krishna made her sit beside him. He removed a ring with blue stone from His finger and put it on her finger and said, “This is our Gandharva marriage”. Sage Naradha and two brothers witnessed  this. Krishna asked Radha what she wanted. She wanted to listen to Krishna’s flute. Sri Krishna played music on his flute. Radha left this world, laying on Krishna’s laps, listening to the music. She left her body with Krishna’s darshan, sparshan and sambhashan along with the thoughts of marriage.