Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thought for the day

Immortality is only attained through sacrifice. When we sacrifice worldly life for God, the effects of Karma dissapear.

From the book How Sathya Yuga is Coming

          ‘The Yamuna flows silently in the gentle surroundings of Brindavan. The river is not uproarious like the Ganges. Yamuna has a light reddish hue. The Ganges is white. Why is the Yamuna red…? There! Who is that’?
A beautiful blue form walks out from under the dark shade of a tree and stands in the waters.
          ‘Oh! Now we know why… since she resides near Krishna, the Yamuna girl is blushing red! As soon as the divine feet of the Lord touch her, the quiet Yamuna quickly springs up and falls over Him in great delight’.
Krishna slowly walks away and sits on the nearby bank. The Purattasi Poornima moon lights up the entire place. Brindavan blissfully sleeps in the cool moon light. A gentle breeze carries the fragrance of flowers. The flowers sway in a dance of welcome expressing their joy at Krishna’s arrival!
The Lord takes the flute from His waistband; He places it on His lips and begins to play. The flute that was on the waist now gets the lip throne. Can one imagine its joy? The music is supremely melodious. The whole world is immersed in the flood of music. Radha springs to her feet hearing the sweet strains. The music strums her heart strings and enters every cell of her body. As she walks toward the flute sound, the sweetness thrills her whole being. Each step she takes adds to the rhythm.
Krishna’s eyes catch a glimpse of Radha’s form from a distance...
          ‘What is this? Who is she? Is she a goddess or a heavenly maiden? Has Brahma deva given this form to all the beauty in the world’?
The moon rays and dark shades fall on her body adding to her beauty. She comes near. Krishna’s eyes forget to blink. The flute slips from His lips. Radha sits at the feet of Krishna. As if all the beauty of the world is being offered at the divine feet, she gently touches the holy feet with her tender fingers. The touch shakes Krishna’s heart and lights a spark.
          ‘I know this touch. This touch belongs only to Me. Who is she? Is she not the Shakthi in My heart?’
The Lord’s heart flutters in joy. The eyes show the joy in the heart.
          ‘How is it possible? It is true? The shakthi within Me has come out for the sake of My mission. How surprising that it is so beautiful and attractive. What is this? In this green sari, she looks like a flower creeper come to life. Is she a woman or a rose garden? She is mine; she belongs to Me, My Shakthi. She has separated from Me. Now this moment, I will take her with Me. This beauty is My own.’
Flooded with many tender feelings, Krishna strokes Radha’s head very fondly. The touch fills Him with ecstasy. He calls her softly,
She falls gently at His feet. The next moment His wisdom awakens,
          ‘No, though she belongs to Me, I must wait. I must complete the Avataric task. We have come only for this. There is no place for such tenderness until the task is completed.’
     The heart did not accept these words of wisdom.
          ‘She has come from Me. She is My power of action. Why does this power have a beautiful feminine form? I did not expect the divine power of God would take such an enchanting form. She has fallen like a child at My feet at the first sight. How can I keep her away? My Radha! Should we wait for two more ages? Should I remain as if I am unaware of your child like heart, your trust and faith in Me?’