Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Thought for the day

"Aham Brahmasmi" I am God. Each one of us should realise this truth.

From the book Vedic Principles for Meditation

 “The maya of the world hides the Truth. Realize the truth that the One appears as the many.”

Å When our feelings are turned towards God, they become Truth. When they are turned towards the world, it is untruth.

Å It is only through the constant practice of trying to transform oneself that Truth is revealed.

Å God’s true form is Truth. We cannot see this with our physical eyes. We should become nameless and formless, only then can we have the vision of Truth.

Å How does one become nameless and formless? First body consciousness should be removed. The ‘I’ should vanish. Once the ‘I’ is destroyed, the identification with the name and form goes.

Å We can realize Truth when we remove the thought, ‘I am the body’. Then every feeling becomes Truth.

Å Truth shines forth from a pure heart.

Å What is the vision of Truth? It is to feel permanent peace and bliss. This peace does not come from any outer source or object.

Å To know that peace lies within oneself is True knowledge.