Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thought for the day

One can find innumerable ways to shower devotion on God.

From the book Chaitanya

EARLIER I WROTE ‘one life force functions in two bodies’. A body with life force indicates man. The body, life force and feelings function separately in man. For God it is only Chaitanya, consciousness. When this Chaitanya wills, body, form and name come for His descent as Avatar. As in an ordinary man there is a name and form, but Chaitanya functions within; there is no separate life force. Only now do I understand. How much I have suffered. How many tears I have cried thinking of Swami. Why has the life force not left me? It is because there is no life force. This body functions through Chaitanya, there is no life force. Chaitanya has willed this body.

A person has cancer; it eventually spreads throughout the body. The life force then leaves the body and he dies. In the same way, Prema pervades every atom in my body. How much it is shaking me. How much I am suffering. Unable to bear this, my body undergoes agonizing suffering. Only those close to me know the extent of this. Daily I suffer from continuous sneezing, coughing and itching. I am bearing a great amount of suffering. Normally the life force would leave the body if one underwent this degree of suffering. Why has it not left? Only if there is life force there, can it go. There is no life force, so there is nothing to go.