Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thought for the Day
If you take everything as the Lord's leela, you will enjoy bliss.
From the bookMukthi Stupi the Sceptre of Truth
From a young age I had the desperate thirst that I should see God. Day and night I cried for God. It was revealed to me that the Lord had taken avatar as Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and I did intense sadhana to attain Him. Swami bestowed many divine powers as fruits for my sadhana but I did not want any. I wanted Swami alone. He said, “Your powers only increase with your sacrifice. You will have to come as an Avatar.”
I prayed to Swami to take all my powers and make me empty. I cried that I do not want to come as an Avatar, I want only Him. Swami took away all the powers and filled His Sathya in me. The Truth, Swami, filled this vessel, which was made empty. Swami said, “It is the Sathya called Sathya Sai that resides in the body cover called Vasantha.”On the morning of 17 April 2002 at 4 am in the Vashista Cave, Bhagavan Baba making me Shudha Satwa,  pure consciousness, caused me to merge with Him. This is the merger of pure consciousness with God. After this merger Swami asked me to build Mukthi Nilayam and start the construction of the Stupi. After the opening of Mukthi Nilayam, Swami revealed many important secrets of higher wisdom. I wrote these in books, the Upanishads, Beyond the Upanishads and The Principle of Becoming God. I also wrote on the Brahma Sutra and Yoga Sutra. On 5 March 2004, the construction of the Stupi began. Swami said that this pillar is a symbol of my body filled with His Truth.
The divine powers of the Omnipresent One are invoked in a deity for worship. The energies are drawn and concentrated in the deity through the chanting of Vedic mantras and by performing yagnas and poojas. In the same way, the Stupi that is built according to sacred principles, draws the divine energies. Sri Ganapathi Sthapati has said that the Stupi is the abode of Shiva, a Shiva Linga. It also represents the Kundalini shakthi, which arises when a soul attains God consciousness. The Stupi symbolizes how an individual soul, jeeva becomes Shiva, the universal soul.
This Stupi is a temple of Kundalini shakthi; the pillar is the deity of Kundalini. Nowhere in the world can you find a deity of this kind. All those who see this Stupi and worship it will be blessed with the awakening of the Kundalini. This is the center for all yogas, the center for all paths of worship, devotion and wisdom. The Stupi is the abode of all powers; it has the power to liberate the entire world. It is the Moola sthamba, the primordial source of energy.