Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thought for the day

When you start loving everyone and everything, the pranic energy in them will flow into you...the inherent divine power comes to us. 

From the book: How the Sathya Yuga is coming

As Swami has said, I have refused to enjoy bliss as it is like enjoying stolen property. When the world experiences bliss, then I will too. Further, I prayed and lamented for redemption of spirits and for self-realization of Nilgiri people. When I visited Sri Lanka and Australia, I cried and pleaded the cause of the people of those countries. I prayed to Bhagavan to take my powers in return for His helping them to remove their karmas. I cry for the whole world, I pray for every person.
The essence of Radha’s life is sacrifice and Prema. Prema begets sacrifice and sacrifice begets Prema. A mother is ready to sacrifice anything, even her life for the sake of her child. The people of the world are all my children. I am willing to give anything for their wellbeing. These are my natural feelings, the feelings of a mother. Swami says Prema Sai Avatar will be an embodiment of such motherly feelings. If the untainted Prema of the gopis could create a Krishna for each of them, then why can’t the totality of motherliness create a form of shakthi? Sathya Sai Baba is a form taken to experience my Prema. Prema Sai will be the form that expresses my infinite motherly feelings. My motherly love and compassion will bring the Prema Sai Avatar.
To illustrate this let us look at the following example. When I was in Nagercoil, a small boy was brought to me. The boy had witnessed an incident while returning from school. He saw a police jeep with two black figures going into it; he was scared and ran home. He cried to his mother saying that a police jeep has come to take them and it has taken his sister. The boy’s mother thought he was playing some prank and was just imagining the scenes. Still, she inquired in the neighborhood if any police jeep had come, but all said no. However, the boy repeatedly said the same thing. He yelled, cried, and would not leave the house. He continued to recall the incident for about nine months and was given medical treatment.
How did the boy see a police jeep on an empty road? His thoughts and deep impressions created the forms out of fear.
Similarly, the deep love of the gopis created the form of Krishna during the Brindavan leela. This shows us that thoughts have tremendous power. Due to the deep faith of Prahlada, the Lord came as Narasimha Avatar.