Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thought for the day

Mukthi is the freedom  from bondage; it is the bliss of oneness.

From the Awareness Article #32
Letseewhat happened in the year 1942. This was the year the‘Quit India’ movement began. It was the struggletoforceallforeignpowerstoquit India and leave. It was Congress leaders who cametogether and began this movement. I contemplated how to connect and write about this.

We should first remove all bad things in the human body; this is one type of struggle. It is only when these bad things are sent out, does individual freedom begin. I have proved through my life how much power there is in an ordinary human body. All perform sadhana and attain God, becomingsaints,sages andrishis. Even though I attained Mukthi throughsadhana, I did not want to experience it without all enjoying the same.I do not even eat without sharing it with others. Thus, I again performed more penance, crying and wailing. Finally, mykundalini emerged outside as the Stupi. The amrit poured from it, making allamrit; the earth becomingVaikunta. There is power in this body to give Mukthi to all. The first step is to make oneself empty of everything. I wroteaboutall the sadhanaI have done in the book ‘Beyond the Upanishads’. The British Government was very small and India very big. Even though Britain was small, it enslaved a much larger country. The reasonbeingthere was no unity in India. Gandhiji and all big leaders came together and brought awareness to the people, kindling the feeling for freedom.

In the same way, man, who has so much power is enslaved by the small ‘i’, (ego). Everyone has the power in them to make the Kali Age into Sathya Yuga. Yet, the ‘i’, which is in everyone, has conquered this power in all. What is the reason? It is because there is no unity between the mind, intellect andsenses. Eachoneispulling man in a different direction. Thus, all the power in him is in vain, wasted and spoiled. We must control all and focus at one point. When I was veryyoung,I wrote a song. Here are a few lines from that song.

The mind is a chariot
Pulled byfive horses
In 500 directionseach day

In this way, the power in man is spoiled. He is unable to go, where he must go. So we control this and turn all toward God. Through this, wisdom is born. The‘i’ in man desires many things.From birth to death, man constantly wants some thing or another. When the senses turn to the many different desires, it becomes the ‘i’, ego. When the senses are controlledandturned towardsGod it becomes Jnana, wisdom. When the ‘i’, goes out to worldly things many bad qualities ensue. If one’s desires are unfulfilled, anger comes; if fulfilled, greed comes. If one desire finds fulfillment, then the next desire is ready and waiting. All desires line up one after another. One who controls all, one pointedly focusing on God, becomesthe master. Whenman follows many desires bad qualities come and he is enslaved by the ‘i’. The ‘i’ takes all thepowers, whichare in the body, enslaving him.Through this power, scientists discover ways to reach the Moon and Sun! However, thesaints andsagesused the power todiscover the way to reach God,the One whocreated the Sun and Moon.