Thursday, August 8, 2013


Thoyght for the day

Yath bavam tat bhavathi

  as you think so you become - the bhava with which you live takes  form in reality. 

By:Sri Vasantha Sai
Copyright©2013 Sri Vasantha Sai Books & Publications Trust
Golden Conch
On11 July 2011,Swamigave one card with a picture of a golden conch drawn on
the front.The conch appeared to have V’s blowing from it.Inside the card was written:
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Saie Vasnathasaiesaya Namah
*Pranams to the lotus feet of my beloved Amma*
*Help me feelyour love in my heart Amma*
*Bless me to experience the divine in my soul Amma*
Sai ram
On either side of the lines, were lotuses, six in total. The conchalso had six lines
drawn on itand on top three curved lines.I asked Swami who had written this in
12 July 2011 Meditation
Vasantha:Swami, who has written this? What is the picture of the conch?
Swami:It is the chakras of yourkundalini. They are asking for your blessings. The
conch is sounding your victory.
Vasantha:What is all this Swami?
Swami:You write about it.
End of meditation
Now let us see about this.Swami saidthe chakras of mykundalini have written
the message on the card. It is in the sixthcenter, Ajna chakra where one is united with
Shiva. Thus, Swami has indicatedthe six chakras through the three pairs of lotuseson

each side of the three sentences. The first and second chakra, Mooladhara and
Swadhisthanatell in the first sentence,‘Pranams to the lotus feet of my beloved Amma’.
In the second line,ManipurakaandAnahata ask,’Help me feel your love in my
heart Amma’.In the third line,Vishudhi and Ajna ask,*Bless me to experience the
divine in my soul Amma’.
It is in the sixthchakrathatman and God unite and enjoy. This is the union of
Shiva and Shakthi. Hereeveryjeevaattains the happiness of God, experiencing it in
their soul.Why did Swami write this? This is thechakras of mykundalini asking me to
bless them.What is this mystery? It is these feelings from thechakras of thekundalini
that emerge outsidethrough the Stupi. It is these that will function in all human beings.
Thisis the reason they have asked for my blessings. They are doing the workof changing
the 580 crores ofjeevas.
Eachchakrawillfunction as the first twochakras,offering their pranams to God.
It is this awareness that must come first in Mooladhara andSwadhisthana, else man
becomes an animal (this is the stage ofawakeningin man; thushe offershis salutations
to God).Onlyif hehasthis awareness, will he feel love for God in the next two chakras,
that ofManipurakaand Anahata.It isonlythenthatlove begins to grow for God.
When, thejeevaattainsthe Vishudhi and Ajna Chakra,more awareness comes.
When the fifth chakra is crossedand the sixth attained, he will begin to have experiences
with God. This happens to all. This istheSathya Yuga. All will feeland experience God’s
love. Thus,the conch is sounded to celebrate this victory. The six lines on the conch also
indicate the sixchakrasofkundalini.
Above this were three lines, which represent the trinity:Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva. There were 18 rays around the conch.This is for the Bhagavad Gita’s 18yogas.
Thus,18yogas also become victorious. The 18 lines werein the form ofSandVjoined
together. Beneaththis were 9 more lines. This indicates that the nine planetsalso come
under control. Inside,were ten more lines. This symbolizes the ten Avatars, which are
perfect along with the 9 planets. The four outer lines show that the fourAges become
perfect throughthevibrations merging.
Thus,each and everything attains perfection.The vibrationsemergefromthe
Stupi to the outside worldfilling allwith Sathya and Prema. Now oneyuga becomes the
perfect demonstration of the Gita’s18 chapters.The firstand secondchakras show the
physical level, the second two the feelings level and the fifth and sixth the Atmic level. It

isat the sixth chakrathat one enjoys with God.